Sunday, March 7, 2010

Belated オメデトウ ( ^ _ ^)∠☆PAN!(congrats)

On March 6th, jeez I've missed a lot yesterday, a number of AKB48 members graduated from high school! I got this little insider scoop from Maeda Atsuko's blog (entry here). Who were the recently released members you ask? Well, Yukirin, Chiyuu, Tomo, Takamina, Acchan, and Kitarie❤
(from right to left) Takamina, Tomo, Acchan, Chiyuu, Kitarie, and Yukirin
All of them except Kitarie went to the same high school. Jealousy, who are the lucky B@$t@rd$? I bet more idols go to that school too. On a happier note, I'm in the same class as these lovely ladies. It trips me up when idols are my age. I'm getting to the point that I feel wrong if the idol is younger than me. I just realized that I'm jealous of the girls for being done with high school before me. Let's do our best!

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