Thursday, March 11, 2010

Many Reasons to be FREAKIN' Happy

-I am going to watch the cross dressing episode of AKBingo! tonight
(- In unrelated to idols, the next Twilight trailer is out, Skins is on tonight, and season three of the Guild will be on YouTube tomorrow)
-Tomorrow there is another episode of MG, and the subbers just released episodes 7 and 8.
-I'm working out buying Infinity! (a friend and I are splitting the costs)
-If you follow other wota bloggers you might know someone who believe good things happen when it rains. I agree, besides the fact that I find it calming, I found something very special on my door step when I got back from school....

Yes, I finally decided which photobooks to purchase! I went with the AKB48 trips to France and the US because I could get a variety of members. I also went with Acchan because I love Maeda Atsuko, it takes place in Hawaii, and it was CHEAP. Well, both were on the cheap end of the photobook scale. I have no regrets, and they are both great. I'm kind of glad one of my friends doesn't check my blog a lot so I can surprise her tomorrow.
Acchan comes with a poster too. There are three different sets.
Here is the other side. It would be better if they came separately. I am going to go with the other side because this is the cover.
Here are the photos, and they are actual photos, that come with the AKB48 photobook. One from the French group and another from the American group. I don't know the girls that went to Cannes and Paris as well as the NY group. However, I got SAYAKA! I don't know what I think of that hat on her, but she can do no wrong.

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