Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Team K Stage Review

I am now determined to watch a stage for each team, now more than ever. I am so far behind in AKB48 stuff that I am completely unfamiliar with the new team line-ups. I got into AKB48 around the change, but I've been trying to catch up. I now know the old arrangements. I've seen an old Team A and Team K stage; I have not watched a complete Team B stage. However, watching the old stages may be added to my shelf so I can get acquainted with the new teams. The best way to get to know a team is to watch stages. Although, if you are just getting started or curious I would recommend starting with the AX Top 100 concerts. They are long, but you will see the best songs of all the teams. There is a little bit of everything in there. Plus, there are the singles and units that you might not see during stages.

After I see a stage from each team I can finally give my opinion about the shuffle. I've been trying to process it, but just looking at their head shots is not helping me analyze it. I don't know the track list or all the members names, so bear with me.This is an interesting opening. The girls are sweet, and so are the costumes. Unfortunately, it is a slow song. The song reminds me of Mano Erina, sweet but very slow, and dull after a while.Nice intro song. If you are not used to AKB48, each team has their own team song. It is just in case you don't know which group you are watching, making a joke. I am starting to understand why some members from Team A got moved down to Team K. From what I've seen during AX2009, I think Team K is slightly more dance heavy than the other teams. Therefore, Minami Minegishi and Tomomi Itano got shuffled. Team K, for some reason, is known to be more sensitive. I think that makes sense for the new members from Team B.For those haters out there who say they lip-sync all the time. I have to say not during this stage! Not that the girls sound bad or anything. I've just heard a couple of mic errors. If you are not a fan, then hang on a bit longer. Yes, the first two songs sound alike and are nothing spectacular. You have to admit, they are not bad either, and they have to preform a lot more often than anyone in H!P. If you are also counting the mistakes, don't. This is, I think, their first show together, and in a production the first night is always the bumpiest. I don't understand why they held up their skirts at the end. Not what you think, pervs. They took off a layer of skirt, making their costumes look more like a dress.It is nice to watch a stage when it is not a member's birthday. It is wonderful if you love the girl, but they give her more screen time than the other members. I wish they gave the non-front girls more screen time. It is hard to get to know the members if you only get a glimpse of them. This is not Tomomi's night, costume problems, and small mistakes. I like stages because they are more personal than concerts. I also love these costumes. (Sorry if that sounded all over the place.)Holy cow, this is their fourth high energy song in a row. They have not even gone backstage yet (their first outfits were removed on stage). This is such Sayaka's song. She is a beast. They should of let her wear something to show off her rock hard stomach muscles. I love how at the end when she joins everybody else her face was like 'Yeah!'. This is much better.Now for introductions. I enjoyed this segment even though my knowledge of the Japanese language is slim. I don't watch MCs because they are not too much fun for me. I see the member introductions as a way to find out more about all the members. This is the moment that I find out who is new, and who Team K lost. The girls either seem really tired, or hyped up on caffeine. Sayaka and the other members need to take a deep breath and slow down. Besides that, Sayaka is a great captain for Team K. Wow, girls are crying already. I'm going to start fighting for Rumi, because her little intro call was awesome!Now that is what I'm talking about! I love each girl, great outfits, lovely track, and interesting dance moves. One great thing is that with new stages there are new songs. One great thing about new line-ups are the new combos. This number made me think back to the days when Tomomi was a cute bunny with her pigtails, and Erena was younger. They've grown up so much *tear*.Sae is a pimp! I wouldn't say it is the most flattering though. The song is good, but not good enough to make the Top 100.This number would be interpreted as very Team A, however I think it is still in the realms of Team K. Think back to Erena's childish number. This is a great sign for Mii-chan fans. She is no longer one of the side girls, she has been promoted to the center role! It is a sugar sweet number, and I love it! There is the girl that cried!Sad life Sayaka. This is worse than Sae's mini number. Sayaka requires a serious power number. Play to your strengths. This I think goes past the typical Team K song. The line up is almost unrecognizable, but at least throw in some classic Team K tracks!I apparently screwed myself. By getting to know the epic power of Team K in AX2009 I have set myself up for disappointment. Stages are never as good as the concerts, but I expect that. This is just getting depressing. Now, it is not horrible you will like it more if you are not in love with the old Team K. I had hoped that the shuffle would be to put the members in teams so that the front-to-stage girl ratio was even, and to move members who were properly suited for elsewhere. I did not expect that each team's personality would change as well. I have yet to see a serious number. If I don't see one, I'll be upset. Throw me a bone! Blue rose? How bout Confessions now that Tomomi is here? Stand Up? Please.Smooth...very smooth. I see what you are trying to do. Get me desperate for some Team K flavor, then you give me something close to it but on your terms. I see how it is. Woot for a serious number but with added sex appeal, a lot less Sayaka, and more color. For those who are sad Sayaka is lacking I have to add Takahashi Minami has the same problem. She has a great voice, charisma, and is the captain. However she is often upstaged by other members. All in all, I like it...okay, after you twisted my arm, I REALLY liked it.Groovy. Yup, that's it.Cute number. It is great to see Oshima being her adorable, goofy self. Are they really not going to do a single old K song?Pretty, but why did you put Sayaka in that massive dress? Sorry guys, they've worn me down. I'm getting tired. (I'm totally checking my email and stuff while the audience are calling for an encore. My video player is being weird right now. Then I was like, are you kidding me they are still going, then the girls come on.)Welcome back ladies. It is always nice to see them back in uniform-esque outfits. Those always look nice.The torn up uniforms and serious song feel like classic K.Nice ending to the show. Overall if you are a fan of classic Team K don't think of this as a Team K stage. Let the stage grow on you as just a random stage. If you think of Team K to much you will notice everything that has changed, and there is a lot. It feels like a mixture of Team A, K, and B. I hope each team develops their own unique character again. Even if it is not the same as before. If all the teams look and sound the same then there is no fun in having different teams. They might as well as introduce themselves as AKB48, and that is it.

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