Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Suzuki Airi: Winner!

Maimi didn't get a single vote. It turns out that no one prefers the classics. The younger idol wins again! Honestly, I prefer the simplistic background and costume that Airi's performance had. Airi sang and danced well. I understand why she won and is the front girl of C-ute. (During the profile shots of her performance did she remind you of a lizard too?) However, I do enjoy Maimi's deep voice and tomboyish quality. This was also a close one for me. I believe I am required by law to say my favorite idol won. Sorry Maimi, but the three votes are in and they don't love you as much as I do. I wonder if it would be more epic if it was Maimi with her short hair?

Alright, stay tuned for the next two polls. These will be coming up faster which may be a good or bad thing. Polls will last for about half a week. Make sure to vote!

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