Thursday, March 25, 2010


TIE between Maeda Atsuko and Kasai Tomomi
This is the first tie in the Face Off Tournament. This will be the first time that I can vote, but there is even more pressure because I will in the end select who will continue on. After watching both I find it really hard to pick one. They both play, look, and sound the part, which is why I thought this would be a good challenge. I am a fan of Maeda, but besides that the deciding factor was the talking part. I enjoyed Maeda's talking segment a little bit more than Kasai's. Therefore...

Hello Division:

This was the most fun to watch. GAM blew HANGRY&ANGRY out of the water with 4 v. 2 votes for their PV and 5 v. 1 for the Live Solo. I thought H&A had a more appealing PV in general, but GAM always had a elegant simplicity. Ayaya possesses a much stronger voice than Rika, plus Rika was trying way to hard to be sexy. Therefore, I was not surprised by who won the live performance. Now, since they won both polls they will be able to skip a round. Good job ladies.

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