Sunday, November 14, 2010

AKB48's First Concert Review (Shuffle Version)

I know I said I would do a Berryz Koubou concert review, and I will.  Recently I rediscovered an old performance that I liked on YouTube when I was just learning about the group.  Anyway, the user had uploaded this whole concert.  A lot of their old music are classics, and some of them are just plain hilarious (because they sound like they came out of an idol time machine).  Plus, it is always good fun looking at people years before.  I thought the stars were a nice addition last time, so I'll try them again.  I hope you guys enjoy the review.  (I always wonder if you do.)
Rating System:
☆ - Hate
☆ - Dislike
☆ - Like
☆ - Really Like
☆ - LOVE! 
NO FUCKING WAY!  They did not put giant pillars blocking like half the stage.  Oh good, they aren't going to be here for the whole thing.  That was quite cheeky.  Now the costumes are decent, except those bright yellow and moss green ones.  Poor Team K.  I guess they are on a cheap budget.  I think this is an excellent song to start the concert off.  It is their first song that they've ever performed.  (It is the opening song from A1.)  This is so idol I am kind of lol (scratches back of head).  To be perfectly honest, I'm slightly bored.  It is not my favorite song.
Dear my teacher
This must have been the first time the fans have seen the two teams perform together.  You can tell some of these girls are still pretty new to this.  Erepyon keeps on missing her spot so she gets blocked by the girl in front of her (Mai Mai).  All of their lines are doubled off, probably their same lines from this same song in their stage.  I wonder how early on it was when Acchan became a front girl.  I heard she wasn't originally pushed until A2.  In fact she was in the very back during most of this performance.  I was thinking.  I wonder where Sae is.  Then guess who had some lines.  Sae. . . sharing with Acchan!  What do you know.  It is interesting to see who got paired up.  I guess it is vocals.
That was good.  I'm still a little on the bored side.  Since I don't have much to say about this one, I'll enter in my thoughts about the introduction MC here.  Holy crap Yuka was only 15!  I feel old (still only 18 here).  OMG, Tomo~mi sounds like a trainee!  They are so young.  And here is our future porn star.  I think it is funny they need to yell when they have a microphone right there.  It is like either you have something nice to say, something witty, or you're just going to have to scream.  Neat, Acchan is the same age as Takoyaki.  Fucking Erepyon.  Wow, Haruna looks confused as soon as it was her turn.  Her face is just a giant question mark.  Awn.  I miss Michiru; she had a lovely voice.  Manami Oku just looks bored out of her mind.  Okay, I don't care about MCs so I'm done.  Lets, move on!
クラスメイト (Acchan, Yuko Oshima, Takamina, Tomo~mi)
I would hate to be the girls sitting at those desks.  I don't like it at all.  It is not like at Hello Project concerts where they are off to the side enjoying the music.  Here they are pretending to be at school and taking up most of the stage.  It is just some random members too, it is not everyone.  This is a sweet song, but it gets dull. 
あなたとクリスマスイブ (Tomomi Ohe, Yuka Masuda)
This is not one of those idol Christmas songs that I like.  I wish this was live.  Can we pick things up a bit?

 キスはだめよ (Sayaka, Sae, Mariko)
Holy FUCK. I love this song for always making me feel like I have no idea how I feel.  The crappy costumes.  The retro song.  The okay, I'm trying to be sexy dancing.  The hardcore, wooden, desk chairs. Then on top of that there are a pack of girls in the corner watching them.  I would have the best cat calls for this number.  This is so cracky that I have to give it five stars. 
Rating: ☆
星の温度 (Mii-chan, Ayaka Umeda, Nonti, Tomochin)
This was the performance that I mentioned in the intro.  What don't I love about this performance.  The also not high quality costumes.  The vintage-esque song.  Miichan and Tomochin as their adorable, young selves.  Natsuki's stare when she got a close up shot behind Nonti.  The blacked out stage during the guitar solo.  They don't even put the lights back on so you can see them one more time before the song is over!  Totes daijobes desu.  (Should I explain what I just said or are you satisfied with just knowing it is an inside joke?)  This is why I love some of those old stages because they are so cracky!
Rating: ☆
投げキッスで撃ち落せ! (Tomo~mi, Erepyon, Yuko Oshima, Kaoru Hayano, Kana Kobayashi, Manami Oku)
Idol songs and their neon-colored, cowboys hats.  Even in the ending pose Oku isn't smiling. 
Blue Rose (Mai Mai, Haruna Kojima, Acchan, Mii-chan)
Now here is a classic.  This time it doesn't work.  The girls don't match the song well enough.  The only one who is prefect is Mii-chan.  This is a good performance, but obviously not good enough to keep my attention because during the song I got the urge to clean my room (which I did).  I could of just watched Mii-chan the whole time; she was spectacular (but I am biased).  See this is one of the English lines where I hear everything but what makes sense (blue rose tastes good).  
Rating: ☆
Bird (Meetan, Nonti, Yuka Masuda)
This would of been a performance that made sense vocally because both Yuka and Takamina are really good singers.  However, I kind of don't want to watch it.  I am such a loli lover and only like Nonti and Meetan for their humor.  The vocal element would have only been a good enough reason if they were singing live.  Since they prerecord the track you do need the strength to pull it off in the first place, but just because you can sing doesn't mean you are the most entertaining.  See, when it is not live vocals I care much more about the performance quality.  
禁じられた2人 (Takamina, Rinatin)
Since it is the future I don't know about this.  Takamina looked up to Rinatin, but Rinatin is doing AV work now.  I would of switched the roles.  They both look good in either dress, but Rinatin is older.  Oh I miss the days when Takamina was adorable.  She is great still, but I like the younger version looks cuter.  I think she still needs to play around with her hair.  I've seen pictures of her with blonde hair, but I haven't seen her perform with it.  Can anyone send me a link?
Rating: ☆
渚のCHERRY (Erepyon, Manami Oku, Kaoru Hayano, Natsumi Matsubara)
Team K version.  Erepyon is so cute!  I wonder what it takes to make Oku smile.  I bet Meetan knows.  cough pedophile cough cough

ガラスの I LOVE YOU (Yuko Oshima, Ayaka Umeda, Tomo~mi, Kana Kobayashi)
Okay I'm getting sick of all these old songs.  It is cute and all but can we get some more variety?  Or at least mixed them up a little more.  Well, I guess they've been pretty mixed up.  I'm just not a fan of this song.  I don't think Kana's voice meshes well with the other girls'.    
雨の動物園 (Tomochin, Hana Tojima, Risa Narita, Tomomi Ohe, Natsumi Hirajima, Kayano Masuyama)
I'm only enjoying this because of Hana and Tomochin, okay and a little bit of Natsumi too.  I'm not in the mood to talk.
小池 (Sayaka, Sae, Yuka, Ayana Takada, Yu Imai, Natsuki Sato)
Wow, a lot of leading from Yuka.  I would of thought that maybe Sayaka would of led this song.  Hmm. . . 
転がる石になれ (Team A)
I like this shuffle!  They usually don't shuffle team songs.  Mii-chan is of course front and center because she is AKB48's best dancer.
制服が邪魔をする (Senbatsu)
What am I supposed to say about this?  It is a single performed by the senbatsu members so of course everything is perfect.  I love the song.  The only bad thing is there are no surprises, which only matters if you've seen it performed enough.  In concert, performing a recent single as it is is great.
Again what am I going to say?  I wish Mii-chan was closer to front like she is now.  And since when has having a rap section in a pop song something that is a K-pop element?  I know that SDN48's first single is trying to get some extra help from the recent K-pop wave, but the things people mentioned for reasoning does not qualify it as something that is replicating the K-pop genre.  It is not their fault that every K-pop group feels the need to add a rap section to all their singles (joking).
Virgin love
I always thought that this was a coupling track to a single, which I think it is.  However, it is originally (or whatever) from K2.  Another great performance.
The choreography isn't anything too impressive.  I would imagine you could do something really cool with this song.  However since it is a stage song the harder the dancing is the harder it would be to perform live.  (AKB48 after the first couple performances of a stage will start to perform it with live vocals.)
Your going to make me cry, stop it.
Rating: ☆
And let the encore begin!  My computer is being really stupid and slow right now.  What!  You can't wear pants during this song!  Skirts are in the flippin' title.  Some of the girls aren't the best performers, but some are really good.  I guess this isn't anything too exciting (song-wise).  This is why I am not giving out a ton of five stars.  The performance and everything is good, but nothing that puts me at the edge of my seat.  
A good way to end the concert.

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