Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mina's Clarification: AKB48 isn't Perfect & I still Love H!P

(I feel like I am a teacher right now.)  Whenever I get a comment I assume that they are other people out there with the same thoughts that don't comment.  I recently got a comment where I felt like I wasn't being understood.  I'm not saying it is anyone else's fault.  It is probably my fault because my use of the English is pretty pathetic and I have trouble expressing my feelings and thoughts on paper (technically a computer screen).  One comment I got was about how biased I was.  So let's start clarifying that issue:

This is a blog, which I consider a place appropriate to be biased.  I am not a news site.  The point here is to express my personal views.  I try to be very honest, mostly because I think it makes my posts more entertaining.  In no way is AKB48 gods to me.  I don't say bad things about H!P because I see them as rivals or because I like AKB48 better.  I'm surprised that I ever receive those comments because I tend to voice my hatred of idol fan rivalries.  My first favorite idol group was Morning Musume.  Yes, now my favorite idol group is AKB48.  However, that doesn't mean I dislike Morning Musume now.  Never do I intend to put Hello Project down.  Most of my criticism for H!P comes out of frustration that they are not as awesome, in my mind, as they were before I got into idols.  It is also because their competition, also from my opinion, is shining more brightly than they are.  But again, this is mostly Tsunku's and their management's fault because the girls have no control over the issues that I am criticizing.

So first point, yes I am biased.  I know that.  I was the news editor of my high school newspaper and I never wrote for the opinion section because I preferred writing unbiased, interesting news pieces.  I'll let you know when I am trying to be unbiased (which is likely going to be never).  Second point is that I want Morning Musume to be amazing.  I don't hate them.  I don't dislike Hello Project in general.  All I am is a frustrated fan who wants to be impressed like I've been in the past and keeps being disappointed.  The reason why I ever compare fandoms is because that is usually what everyone else is talking about.  I'm sorry for continuing a narrative that I myself is not too fond of, but I also want to keep my readers informed.  My recent comparison of Morning Musume and SKE48 was mostly me being frustrated with unrealistic H!P fans.  I want other H!P fans to be just as frustrated as I am.  Morning Musume was everywhere and were great when they were releasing their 40th single, but what about now.  It isn't just because AKB48 is the new group.  There are legitimate reasons why AKB48 is popular right now and Morning Musume is not.  I am not putting them down.  I want them to fight back (funny how I am listening to Beginner right now).  I want it to be a hard thing (lol insert dirty joke here) to choose between the two!  (Or I want to see Berryz or C-ute to take their turn at being the most popular idol group out there.)  If I say I don't like their song. . . it is because I don't like the song.  It has no relation to the group who releases (unless it is something that sounds recycled).

My third point that I'll make now, which I mentioned before, is that AKB48 is not god to me.  If you read my posts about AKB48 you should notice/ know that I criticize AKB48.  It has done me wrong, they can do wrong!  I hated what AKB48 did with their Beginner PV.  I hated when my favorite member barely got any screentime during the last senbatsu single PV, as well as Beginner.  I'm sorry that this is turning into a rant, which I didn't mean to.  I just feel strongly that people are getting the wrong idea of who I am and what I believe.  This is especially hard for me to hear considering I don't see myself at all as someone who is only an AKB fan.  (I thought some eye candy would lighten things up. Morning Musume's new PV after the jump.)

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