Monday, November 29, 2010

AKB48's Chance no Junban PV Review + Single Info

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I extremely appreciate high production value in a PV.  This promotional video doesn't deliver that.  It was lazy for them to turn this track into the song for the PSP game.  If that wasn't enough, they made another cop out when they made it about the Janken Tournament.  I wanted to see a PV that could of been released even if they hadn't had the tournament.  I guess you can't always produce gems there can you Akimoto?  I saw this as an opportunity for them to release something different.  If you always use the same voices you risk the singles becoming a blur.  So far, I think AKB48 has done well to avoid it.  I'm still disappointed.  Uchida Mayumi was the center for the PV, but I still think she got shafted.  I noticed more close up shots of Kojima Haruna and Ishida Haruka.  The costumes are good.  However, there is too much white here.  This PV severely needs contrast.  The dancing was forgettable.  It doesn't have to take too much time or money to produce an entertaining PV.  I adored Lucky Seven's PV.  It was low budget but fun.  If you have a playful enough theme you can make me overlook things.  Before I continue to bash this title track let me mention one good thing about this single: the Team tracks look promising.    

Chance no Junban [Type-A]
First Press Sold OUT @ CDJapan
1. [CD] Chance no Junban
2. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas
3. [CD] Kurumi to Dialogue (Team A)
4. [CD] Chance no Junban (off vocal ver.)
5. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas (off vocal ver.)
6. [CD] Kurumi to Dialogue (off vocal ver.)
7. [DVD] Chance no Junban PV
8. [DVD] Yoyakushita Christmas PV
9. [DVD] Kurumi to Dialogue PV
10. [DVD] 19th Single Senbatsu Janken Taikai Document (Part 1)

Chance no Junban [Type-K]
26 First Press Left @ CDJapan! (First Press includes a Photo)
1. [CD] Chance no Junban
2. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas
3. [CD] ALIVE (Team K)
4. [CD] Chance no Junban (off vocal ver.)
5. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas (off vocal ver.)
6. [CD] ALIVE (off vocal ver.)
7. [DVD] Chance no Junban PV
8. [DVD] Yoyakushita Christmas PV
10. [DVD] 19th Single Senbatsu Janken Taikai Document (Part 2)

Chance no Junban [Type-B]
First Press Sold OUT @ CDJapan
1. [CD] Chance no Junban
2. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas
3. [CD] Love Jump (Team B)
4. [CD] Chance no Junban (off vocal ver.)
5. [CD] Yoyakushita Christmas (off vocal ver.)
6. [CD] Love Jump (off vocal ver.)
7. [DVD] Chance no Junban PV
8. [DVD] Yoyakushita Christmas PV
9. [DVD] Love Jump PV
10. [DVD] 19th Single Senbatsu Janken Taikai Document (Part 3)

Release Date is Set For December 8th! = About 8 Days Left!

While the idols themselves are a major factor in terms of sales, to me they are in a way separate.  I'm not going to buy a single if I don't think it is worth the cash.  So unfortunately I will be breaking my cycle of purchasing a limited edition, first press copy of each AKB48 single since Ponytail no Shushu.  To be honest, the music video reminded me of Morning Musume, Idoling!!!, or something released from Hello Project.  (All of those groups have released impressive PVs, but they also tend to release PVs that aren't or songs that are expected.)  The song is a typical idol song, which sounds nice but lacks what past AKB48 idol-esque songs had.  To release as the title track a happy song it must possess one of these characteristics for me to be happy: catchy, an excellent PV, addicting, fun to dance to, or interesting lyrics.  Know this doesn't mean I dislike the song.  I just won't listen to it over and over again for over a week like I did with Beginner (that song is never getting old).

Let's go over past idol singles released by AKB48.  (I'll start since their last best of album.  Now since I don't know Japanese lyrics aren't a major factor unless I've seen a subbed video and it stands out.)  Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! is about the same level as Chance no Junban song-wise.  However, that PV was fun in the sun and had a ton of special PVs for individual members.  Oogoe Diamond wasn't impressive in the PV department, but it did have a storyline.  What it has is that it is catchy and fun to dance to, if you know the choreography.  10nen Zakura basically had twice as much as OD had.  It was more catchy, better to dance to, had a better storyline.  Unlike the first two I mentioned I would light up when this song came on shuffle.  The other two, and Chance no Junban, are just pleasant.  Now both Namida Surprise! and Iiwake Maybe both have spectacular PVs.  Ponytail no Shushu and Heavy Rotation are both overall high quality; they deserved those sales.  Both are catchy, addicting for me, fun to dance along with, and make me light up whenever they come on.  What about an example of one with interesting lyrics? Skirt, Hirari.

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