Saturday, November 6, 2010

Arashi's Hatenai Sora PV Review

[The PV Has Been Deleted From YouTube]
Wasn't the single before this one also a ballad where they just stood around and sang.  Personally, I just kept on laughing the whole time.  All I'm doing is watching their facial expressions and them trying to keep it interesting to watch.  The song is pretty, but I have a short attention span so I am kind of bored.  I'm not a fan of just staring at an idol for long periods of time.  The sets are really beautiful and go with the song.  The clothes are okay, sure better than what Morning Musume is wearing, but one thing.  What did you put on Aiba!  He looks like he is wearing torn up women's clothing.  On top of that they were like lets just throw you in some sneakers.  What!  Why?  I don't even argue reason when it comes to idols.  I'm going to watch some Hana Yori Dango now. . . but first this:
[Also Deleted]

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