Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Site Check~Up! (From Mina)

Hey, how are you guys?  There are just a couple things I would love some feedback or suggestions on, so if you give me a sec that would be great.
I've noticed that it takes a little longer than other sites for my main page to load up.  Has anyone had problems with that?  I don't know if my internet is just slower or faster, so just give me a heads up.  If you have some suggestions that would be great.  Should I decrease number of posts on the main page or do you guys look at the main page? 
Is there anything you really want to read more of?  Are you interested in writing for W(it)?  Do you have a blog and want me to add it to the blog roll?
Does anyone check the blog roll?  I know that is where I go to check the blogs I follow.  So if you are looking for more sources I recommend you check that out!

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