Monday, November 29, 2010

Get It Whilst It's Hot: No Sleeves (No3b) First Album!

I am SUPER excited about this album!  When I had some extra cash to spend I was considering buying all their singles, but then news came out about their album.  Me being a smart college student, not that smart because I am still spending my money, I knew that buying their album would be more affordable.  Luckily, it will be released on New Years Day.  My family celebrates Christmas and my birthday falls in mid-January, so what better to ask for this as a gift.  Since my parents used my account for CDJapan I of course got confirmation emails for everything (surprise!).  I asked for the regular edition because the price tag can be intimidating.  However, when you think about it each single is about $10 each, so $35 for seven singles is pretty good (but it won't include the coupling tracks but I never thought much of those).  The covers look amazing.  I wish I had worked something out to get Minegishi Minami Version (like I pay half of something).  If you have the cash it might be worth getting your favorite's limited version because of all the bonuses included.  The good news is that the other sub-group from Ogi Pro had quite a few new album tracks.  The track list hasn't been posted but these are the songs I know will be included:
Junai no Crescendo
Bye Bye Bye
Christmas Present
Kiss no Ryusei
Kimi Shika
*Limited Edition Member Versions includes a Solo Song

No Sleeves [Regular Edition]

24 First Press Available @ CDJapan
1 Disc
External Bonuses:
-Handshake Ticket
-A Photo

No Sleeves [w/ DVD Limited Edition]

28 First Press Available @ CDJapan
2 Discs
External Bonuses:
-A Photo

No Sleeves [Limited Edition / Type A (Kojima feat. Version)]

3 Discs
Kojima Solo Track
External Bonuses:
-A Photo
-Misanga with charm
-Trading card

No Sleeves [Limited Edition / Type B (Takahashi feat. Version)]

13 First Press Available @ CDJapan
3 Discs
Takahashi Solo Track
External Bonuses:
-A Photo
-Misanga with charm
-Trading card

No Sleeves [Limited Edition / Type C (Minegishi feat. Ver)]

3 Discs
Minegishi Solo Track
External Bonuses:
-A Photo
-Misanga with charm
-Trading card

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