Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Morning Musume's 44th Single + PV Preview


Okay DUDE, where went those awesome concert costumes!  Those looked amazing!  I even bought a poster and an ochiwa (fan) from that concert set.  I've had some harsh criticism for Morning Musume (which has more to do with the management and producers than the group as a whole) in the past, and it is going to continue!  In one of my latest posts where I talked about my thoughts about what should be done to save Morning Musume I got the comment that they shouldn't act younger than they are.  Well yeah I agree, but do you see what they are wearing!  Either you act your age or change the group so that you are more youthful!  These may be one of the worst single costumes for this group EVER.  What are you five?  The song doesn't match either.  Now the close up shots look better (but Niigaki's dress kind of looks like she has a hairy chest LOL.)  That is the biggest problem here, but it is not the only thing.  This song sounds similar to the same stuff they've been releasing for years now, and those have not been doing that well.  This is the graduation single for Kamei and the Pandas and they aren't even highlighted at all.  It sounds like most of the solo lines are going to Takahashi and Reina (AGAIN).  The Pandas are on opposite ends of the formation like all their other past singles.  Kamei is also off center.  I mean come on!  (Aika's hair still looks like crap!)
I still like the song, but to be honest I am not going to buy it unless it is on iTunes (and I already have an iTunes giftcard).  I am also a little bit giddy that Shige has beat out Niigaki in position.  The one thing that I believe is that I don't even think Morning Musume is going to beat SKE48 with a graduation single.  Did you see SKE48's single PV?  Not to mention they've released the full PVs for all but one of the five songs that will be released for this single.  SKE48 has also been earning higher sales figures than Morning Musume for their last couple of singles (and it is only their fourth single being released).  It will be a challenge at this point.  Here is the information for each version of this single:

Onna to otoko no Lullaby Game Limited Edition w/ DVD  [Type A]
1. Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game
2. Aisaresugiru Koto wa Nainoyo
3. Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game (Instrumental)
Each first press copy of this single comes with a photo as an external bonus.
Onna to otoko no Lullaby Game Limited Edition w/ DVD [Type B]
Info is the same as the previous version.

Onna to otoko no Lullaby Game Limited Edition w/ DVD [Type C]
Info is the same as the previous versions.
Onna to otoko no Lullaby Game [Regular Edition]
First Press Already Sold Out (HOLY SH*T)
Okay (goes off to check the first press for SKE48's single), I was about to say that Morning Musume has a chance but all of the first press is sold out for both limited edition versions of SKE48's single except for one copy of Type B.

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