Friday, November 12, 2010

C-ute PV Preview and Full Morning Musume PV


Hello Project should really needs to improve their promotions, but I think most people know that already.  It looks like we will get the same basic close up and group shots, kind of like Arashi's last couple of promotional videos.  To be honest, I think that is way too boring.  This is only a preview so there is a chance that there is a storyline or dance shot.  I thought we would see a dance shot in the preview because the track is fast enough for it.  While I am not impressed in terms of PV, I love the song.  Here check it out:

I've posted this already, but it was after the jump so I thought I would post it above now that the release date is approaching.  I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with everything, but I just finished my second round of midterms for this semester (I had one today and Thursday). 

My opinion hasn't changed much since I reviewed the preview.  I like the song, but I still think it sounds similar to stuff they've released before.  I usually don't care about such things; it is only when I am bored or unimpressed.  I did come up a theory that makes the dance shot costumes a little less painful.  You know the fairy tale the The Prince and the Pauper?  I was thinking those cheap dresses were meant to symbolize the pauper.  The other good news is that everyone gets at least one solo line, however Takahashi and Reina still hog the majority.  Now I don't understand the background sets for the dance shot, but that is more so true with the close up shots.  Are they in an emo, crazy facility?  Now back to the dance shot sets.  I guess the PV isn't that interesting on its own so they decided to randomly mix up the background.  My favorites are the black room with the stadium lights and then the white room with the grey boxes.  So all in all, the PV is still okay and so is the song.

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