Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rant Time: K-Pop doesn't Equal Sexy!

I am about to go off my flippin' rocker!  I've had it with everyone saying that SDN48's song is Korean Pop-esque or whatever.  For one, SDN48 is an adult idol group so they aren't going to release the same kind of music as those younger than them.  Now I don't disagree completely with the notion that they are targeting the same audience that likes K-Pop.  (I heard that they even have Korean in the song which I'm not sure of but could be just because they are releasing it in Korea too.)  I am bothered by the fact that everyone is making it out like a sexy pop unit was a completely foreign idea from Korea.  (At least that is how it comes across to me.)  SDN48 has always been a sexy unit, (maybe) even before K-Pop became a huge fad in Japan.  Have you ever seen Koda Kumi?  What about another adult idol group: Dream?  Just because most K-pop girl groups follow a formula doesn't mean that the formula is specifically theirs.  What I am trying to say is that SDN48 would have probably released this single even if K-Pop wasn't hugely popular in Japan right now.  I would of just like to have heard someone else make this distinction.

This frustration might also stem from my frustration when people say that other Japanese music is inspired by K-Pop because I don't see the originality.  For me, I would have said [Japanese Pop group] had a similar style to [Korean Pop groups].  (I'm trying to explain why it upsets me, but it isn't the easiest thing.)  For me to consider something inspired by, the original has to have a unique (somewhat original) element.  Having a rap section in a Pop song isn't something new.  Having a girl group being sexy, also not original.  Auto-tune (I thought I heard that somewhere) isn't something original from Korea either (as far as I know it has been popular in the States for a while too).  I like Korean pop music.  I'm not trying to bust their chops.  I just think people might be giving them too much credit.  (I might be just misinterpreting or reading way too much into what people are saying.)  Oh by the way, Congrats SDN48 for getting the #1 spot (above Idoling!!!).   

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