Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fantasy! Juuichi

Released December 1st the eleventh studio album from supergroup Morning Musume has finally arrived. I jumped at the chance to purchase it (I'd never bought a studio album for them yet being new to the wotadom.)

First off, the cover art was a bit bland, compared to the others I wasn't quite attracted to it. I did enjoy the fact that they were using the formal gowns from the Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game PV, but the poses as dolls was a bit...meh. The interior of the jacket each girl had a pose as a doll on a couch, it was far better, and the dresses still look phenomenal.

Onto the meat of the album: the songs.

My first listen to the CD was unfortunately bad, of course at the time I was more interested in the Eurovision song contest so I wasn't affording the girls my full reverence. After giving it a proper listen I fell in love with a couple of the songs and really didn't care much for others.

Onna to Otoko no Lullaby Game's album version didn't differ much from the single version, instead it had an extended intro and a longer gap during one of Tanaka Reina's lines. Since it is a single I actually really enjoyed it and the extended intro was wonderful, adding a bit more drama to the sound of the song.

Seishun Collection, the other single on this album was completely unchanged, and though it remained the same, I still greatly appreciate it because of the blatant harmonizing which means that all the girls have a voice and can be heard. It's a good wrap up to the album.

The other noteworthy songs are Bravo!, Fantasy ga Hajimaru, and Ichi Kara Jyu Made Aishite Hoshii. All three are rather upbeat and more pop sounding as opposed to the other slower ballads on the album (which I personally tend to enjoy less.)

Overall the album has some real gems but there are a couple that bring it down, it isn't as high powered as 10 my Me but I also attribute that to the fact that this is the second full album they have released this year, which (to my knowledge) hasn't happened before. I give it a 8 out of ten.

Shifting gears a bit, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KEMEKO!

Second generation Morning Musume member; Kei Yasuda turns 29 on December 6th.

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