Thursday, December 9, 2010

Let's Hug It Out!

I am exhausted.  Maybe it is partly from my Japanese speech that I had to memorize and present today (major anxiety).  I do think that part of it is due to me 'debating' with another contributing blogger on my Facebook page.  I won't post it because i don't know if it is okay with him, plus we would need to cover our names just to be on the safe side.  It has gotten to the point where I went on Duckie's wall trying to get her to help settle it.  I would like to hear some third party opinion, but this is just one anecdote to get to the overall point. 

I feel like fans of idols in Asia have been fighting too much among ourselves.  We argue about things even within our selective countries and so forth.  We all have a right to a difference of opinion.  Bombs and insults have been coming in from every side, some more than others.  So I think we need some good old fashioned happy time!

I would like, in the comments, for you to compliment or say what they do better than your favorite group.  This could be the group where you feel like there is a lot of fighting between.  If you hate a group or an idol, say why other people can love them so much or what they do well.  If you've ever said something mean that upset people just say you are sorry and what you said.  If you didn't mean to, and it just got misconstrued, still say your sorry but say you didn't mean it and something nice about them. 

I would really appreciate it if everyone pitched in.  I usually don't get a lot of comments but this post is more about getting the love fest started.  (Please no back-handed comments like they are good at pantie shots or.  Just good sales or being popular is not good enough.)

maybe some pairings with multiple fandoms (like Sasshi and S/mileage)

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