Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sankaku Summary and Review (Spoiler Alert)

I'll try not to give everything away, but to summarize it I obviously will talk about the plot and events of the film.  Maybe I will move the review above the jump and have the summary after so you can avoid reading.  To make it up to you I am going to include some pervy shots they included in the film.  Why I am reviewing this?  Besides the fact that it is a well made, interesting, and entertaining, Japanese film, it also stars then-current member of AKB48 Erena Ono.  This was her biggest film yet.  It was probably her turning point from being an idol to turning her complete attention to acting.  She graduated this year to go study acting in London.  Sankaku won Best Picture at the 20th TAMA Cinema Forum festival on Sunday, November 28th of this year.  Warning: I didn't watch this with English subtitles so I could only understand parts of the dialogue.  If you know where I can watch it with subs I would be very happy.

To be honest I mostly watch this film because of my warm feelings towards Erepyon.  While the film is well made, you must always remember that trailers tend to warp the film.  Momo is only a major force for the first 40 minutes of the film.  She does return to play a role towards the end, but only reveal the destruction the relationship (if you can call it that) has caused between Momo and Kayo, and Momo and Momose.  In fact, while the film seems light and sweet at the start the mood takes a complete 180.  Early on you can sense that something is disturbing, but it is just a feeling that can be written off as just the film being realistic and complex.  The fact that there wasn't subtitles and Erena Ono was no longer present really demotivated me to watch the film.  I decided that I can sit through the whole thing once I find the subtitles so I skipped around trying to find a place where I might want to begin watching.  I was unsettled by the bits and pieces that I saw.  It isn't explicit or graphic.  However the emotions and events didn't sit well with me.  I wasn't in the mood to watch a relationship break-up and two people have emotional break-downs.  Even when Momo made her second appearance the dramatic mood persisted.  It was nice though to see Erena Ono again, but I'll wait for the subs.  It is a good film, but the pure romance lasts only part of the film and the rest isn't a happy tale. 

Fan service (the summary of the pleasant section is after the jump):

Summary of Momo's Summer Break/ 1st Part of the Film:

We first meet the couple having drinks with Kayo's friend.  He is blunt, which seemed kind of rude and inconsiderate.  Kayo gets a phone call from her younger sister, who is 15, Momo.  Momo comes to stay with Kayo and her boyfriend Momose during her summer vacation. 
Fortunately, Momose isn't a complete loser.  He works as a sales associate at (I believe) a sporting goods store.
We then see Momo go out on a date with an older classmate.  However, it tells her that he already has a girlfriend.
Momo stands across the street from a cafe where her crush works part-time with his girlfriend, who looks and sounds just like Oshima Yuko.  She calls Momo a stalker (but Momo can't hear her) and Momo wanders off.  She pouts a while.
Momose and Momo start to hit things off when Momo admires Momose's pimped out car.  (I think she says that he reminds her of her older classmate.)  They go and have dinner where they talk.  Quick note: Momose is an ex-yankee.
Kayo isn't pleased about what happens.  Momose, like a typical guy, just says it is over (nothing they can do about it now) so she storms out.  Momo then complains that her hair smells like yaki niku.
Momo has an encounter with a pervert.  A man passes by her while she is riding her bike.  He then turns around and speeds past her so he can touch her chest and get away.
Kayo, sensing that their relationship isn't in a good place, buys herself and Momose clothes.  However, she buys Momose a sweatshirt that is too small and tries to suggest that it looks fine but Momose insists it isn't.  Momo does this adorable little move where she sneaks Kayo's dress.  Kayo gets upset and Momo storms into the bedroom.  Kayo and Momose argue for a second and then Kayo also storms into the bedroom where she sees free-spirit Momo looking at her make-up.  Kayo yells at Momo again.  Momo leaves the room again.  Momo and Momose whisper jokes to each other in the other room.  You can tell that Momose is paying more attention to Momo. 
Everything is calm for a while.  One night Momose and Momo hands touch while watching TV.  Momose, as the audience can see, senses that it is inappropriate, but he doesn't move his hand.  There are a couple more moments until Momo leaves because her summer break is over.
Everything falls apart after Momo leaves.  Each link in the triangle breaks and the bad feelings that form at the beginning resonant. 

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