Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm Gonna Cry - Pandas' Graduation DVD

I was happy to see that they did, at least, get a DVD.  After the jump I will post the videos so you can watch them with subs.  I might also include some thoughts along the way.

Wow, they are both gorgeous in their yukatas.  One thing I hate about them leaving is how entertaining they both are.  Lin Lin is throwing out puns and jokes.  Jun Jun is either playing the opposite character or playing along.  You guys should join SDN48!  They have a Chinese member too!  Don't leave me!  Is Tsunku an idiot?  He better be planning to form some Chinese group with them in it.  Lin Lin is really pretty, funny, well-spoken, an amazing singer, so I don't know how, as a producer, he can let her walk away.  Then again, he never utilized her talent except for that Chinese song.  Now Jun Jun isn't as great as Lin Lin in terms of singing, but I adore her.  "My Japanese sucks..." made me smile.  Kamei Eri's message was sweet.  I like the fact that the Pandas now just speak weird Japanese (reading too much manga are we?).  Oh god Jun Jun, I think we would say the same things.  After watching the VTR the first thing Jun Jun says is: "She called us weirdos."  Jun Jun is so sassy!  You can tell that Lin Lin doesn't want to graduate.  She keeps on saying how much she loves Japan and Hello Project.  Maybe they should stay in Japan and try to be talents on their own, or together if they wanted to.  They've always fit in quite well with TV personalities.  Yep, I think Jun Jun and I are soul sisters.

Mitssi mentioned tea, so now I am craving for some Bubble Tea.  Wait, what, JUN JUN!  Jun Jun have you been sleeping with your girlfriend's little sister/ best friend?!?  I don't think they needed to segments with Mitssi.  LIES! Reina since when do you consider Jun Jun your mom?  Reina thought Lin Lin was hitting on her, lol.  Reina always has good stories.  Reina is starting to remind me of Yuko (first leader).  The yankee appearance and a sharp tung (and scary).  Oh my god, Reina would make a great leader.  That was so sweet what Reina did for Lin Lin.

Oh it seems that only the first three parts have been uploaded.  Sorry!

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