Saturday, December 25, 2010

High Pitched Albums Review: AKB's WH and H!P's S/mileage

Two young, adorable, and squeaky idol groups have both released their first album.  I got both (regular editions) for Christmas.  I've already listened to both a couple of times so I thought a review would be nice.  I'll start with the one that was released first: 
Watarirouka Hashiritai (渡り廊下走り隊) - Don't Run in the Corridors! (廊下は走るな!)
This is the first album song.  It really matches the singles well: happy, fun, idoly.  I like the little sumo moves in the song and the solo lines.  The only problem with this song is that I would hope they would use all the album songs to add some variety because their singles are quite similar.  Although, this the first track so they probably should follow the same basic mold.      

As you expect, the singles are usually the best part of albums.  WH does their niche well, but it gets a little tired after a while in my opinion.  I wonder if the new members will help mix it up.

If you listen to the very beginning, it reminds me of the first song off the album.  This was the first single I heard from them, and my first favorite.  I find that it is more catchy and enjoyable than the ones before it.

Here is my first favorite album track.  It adds a different tune to it, but it still flows well with the rest.  I really bad at describing music.  I wouldn't say it has a slower tempo, but possibly a more relaxed mood then the ones before it.

The album continues to bring variety.  It still doesn't have a slow tempo, but it sounds like a ballad at the same time.  It isn't a happy song, how bout that.  I'm sorry I can't say much else, but I don't understand everything and I am too lazy to look up the lyrics.

I fell in love with this sub-group as soon as I heard this song.  It is by far my favorite song on this album.  I understand that a lot of fans didn't care for it because of how childish it is.  However, I think that it suits them well.  They usually release fun, high-tempo singles.  Their voices are so high pitched that it works.  I thought it was a nice contrast to what they usually release (ear bleeding, loli tracks). 

This follows their usual style, but I find that it is catchy. 

麻友のために (Mayu Solo)
What I don't like is the obvious preferential treatment Mayuyu gets.  I understand that she is the most popular member.  But, if they are going to include a solo song then they should at least give the other members duets.  

This may be the cutest song ever.  They say gyu like from 70-100 times in this song.  This is a song that someone besides Akimoto produced.  What else can I say about this song; I do like to dance along.  

Let the ear bleeding begin!  Although, they do include violins (luv violins : 3).  I do like this song a lot, but the chorus I just can't withstand. 

This is the closest thing we get to a ballad.  It is a happy, slow song.  I think it is pretty, but their typical sound but slower is slightly dull.

I adore this song.  I don't care how whatever it is.  I think it is as catchy as sh*t (don't take literally please).  The solo lines are spectacular and everything fits perfectly. 

WH's 1st CD Average Score:  (4.5)
Overview: Really good and almost amazing, but it lacks variety and some songs could use improvement.  They stick to their group/ musical personality and for the most part do it well.  CD Info HERE.

Is it just me or are their skirts too high?
S/mileage (スマイレージ) - Evil Brat① (悪ガキッ①)
Their most recent release.  I've always enjoyed this track, but I became addicted because of this dance shot.  This follows their style, which I love, so that is probably why I love the song.   

Tsunku has this problem with albums: there is always a crap song.  This reggae guy introduces the group which doesn't suit their character.  Parts are okay, but then they keep echoing their lines which I do not care for at all.  Some of the parts tend to repeat too much at one time, repetition isn't a virtue.

This song doesn't have any problems to it per say.  However, it isn't catchy in my opinion.  I just don't like it.  It is just okay.  These two songs I usually just skip.

夢見る 15歳
I was extremely impressed by their first major single.  This is the first beginning of their costume and song style.  I wouldn't change a thing.

シューティング スター
The song starts off with an old fashioned 50s brass band, but then loses some of it sparkle when they do a cliche 'yeah!'.  If they had stayed closer to the retro style it probably would of kept that last star.  You can still hear the vintage style, but intermixed with the stereotypical idol style it becomes slightly mediocre. 

○○ がんばらなくてもええねんで!!
Good news!  Another single.  It is just like their other singles, each with a twist of the same ingredients. 

During their indie singles you can hear their future style, which is more perfected than these are.  However, they add a little more contrast to the major singles within the album and are still catchy.

A refreshing slow song. . . zzzzzzz. Oh what happened.  It reminds me of AKB's choir songs, but they have more variety with natural vocal pitch.  There are too few girls all at a quite high pitch, so it doesn't come across as well.  Then there is a weird noise (which I can't describe anymore than artificial and UFO-like).  I imagine this is much better if you heard it/ saw it live in concert.  I do appreciate them trying to incorporate some variety.  Another problem is that not all of the girls are great singers, so they are limited.

しっかりしてよ! もう
This is an odd track.  I like verses, but not the chorus.  If they improved the chorus, maybe something more catchy, it may of earned another star.  

This was the first indie single that I adored.  It is the closest to the style that they adopted once they debuted. 

This indie single grew on me and now has surpassed the previous song in my heart (in the indie category).  It is pretty simple and not anything that creative, but I still love it.  I also adore it for how different it is to the other songs on this album.  You have to admit it could use more variety.

This was a pretty good first single.  I did quite like it.  The outfits for this single could of been better because it didn't suit everyone's figure.  I recall that at that time I didn't think they were going to amount to much.  H!P does have a tendency to form temporary units for anime or ones that just don't do well.  This is even more simple, but beautiful and gentle. 

S/m's 1st CD Average Score: 
Overview: They also have a niche that they have perfected.  However, the album lacks variety and when they try to break out of the mold (in the album songs) they are never as well done.

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