Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Mina's Photobook Wishlist, Idols & Dubstep, Provocative Dancing, and the Masterminds Behind J-Idols
Hello ladies, I feel like I refer to readers to much as 'guys' not that I actually think the majority of followers are males but in the modern-sense guys can be used as gender neutral. WOAH. I'm sorry it seems I went off on a tangent sooner than expected. I'm sorry. [What do you ladies think of the font size? I was thinking the old size was a bit too small and this is the next size up.]
Photobook Wishlist [The Part Where You All Discover I'm a Perv]:
The news of Acchan releasing another photobook got me super excited; I almost bought it immediately. I'm planning on going to Japan next year so I've concluded it is best to wait and just go on a shopping splurge. AKB48 fans have likely heard this news by now. Acchan's PB sales tend to amazing. I personally adore her previous releases. On that topic, the photobooks that I currently own are the following: Myao's Shining Sky, Watarirouka Hashiritai's Akkanbe, both travel diary PBs from AKB48, the third volume of TomoCawaii, AKB48 x Bijo Saishu, Acchan, and ATSUKO. So if you are keeping track I own two of her PBs. One was taken in Hawaii, the other in New York City. The concept for this release is her clumsy side, which is very true. Plus, it was shot in Paris. I enjoy PBs shot in different countries because you see them play around more than if they were just held up in a room. Now moving onto my current wishlist. [They are in no particular order.]
1. Maeda Atsuko (AKB) - Bukiyou
2. Maeda Atsuko (AKB) - Hai
3. Michishige Sayumi (Morning Musume) - La
4. Ishikawa Rika (Dream Morning Musume) - hanagocoro
5. AKB48 - AKB48 Twenty-Four Hours
6. Matsui Rena (SKE) - Kingyo
7. Asami Konno (ex Morning Musume member) - Alo-Hello!
8. Kojima Haruna (AKB) - Haruna Kojima
9. Oshima Yuko (AKB) - Yuko Oshima L.A.
10. Itano Tomomi (AKB) - TomoCawaii Vol. 2
11. Eri Kamei (ex Morning Musume) - 20
12. Fujimoto Miki (Dream Morning Musume) - Cheri
13. Abe Natsumi (Dream Morning Musume) - ecru [or whatever I love Nacchi]
Idols and Dubstep:
There are people who love or hate dubstep, similar to the reaction received by to auto-tune. I fell in love with dubstep thanks to the UK hit TV show Skins which is known for their music selection. If you watch the sixth season which is currently airing you'll likely hear it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about or what it sounds like, here is a link. If you frequent YouTube, you've probably have noticed popular songs being remixed with dubstep. It is basically good party/ club music. Just like how not long after auto-tune went mainstream in the US that it went mainstream in Asia, dubstep has followed. I've yet to see it gain the popularity it has in the United States, but that may be due to (at least in Japan) the clubscene is different when compared to the west.
My interest in discussing this topic was due to the preview of Morning Musume's upcoming single which features auto-tuning and the use of dubstep. Personally I've hated most instances of auto-tune by Morning Musume, and Hello Project in general. It doesn't make Shige's voice sound better but pitchier. It tends to ruin singles for me, like with Niigaki's lines in Only You. I'm waiting till I see the PV for this song before laying final judgement on the use of dubstep. At the moment it sounds a bit like they just added it in there to try to be cool. The rest of the song sounds like their past singles. It is only featured heavily in two segments: the beginning and presumedly in a dance section. While other songs I've heard from the west integrate it more into the beat.
Provocative Dancing:
I would like to focus on the example of the rookie K-Pop group ChoColat and their recent music video, One More Day, that has been getting some heat. I want to start off with saying that I completely understand why people are upset. The last thing I approve of is sexualization of children. It is unhealthy. I am in favor of banning child beauty pageants. What the PV Guru Guru Curtain did I thought was distasteful which was sad because I did like relatively everything else.
After stating that little disclaimer I now want to get into the fact that I don't mind the dancing in the MV. The youngest members are basically freshmen in high school if that helps give you an idea of their age. I don't know about you guys but this is nothing by my freshmen standards. At mixers, dance parties held above a local bowling alley after home football games, it was basically a mass of grinding teens. Does everybody here know what grinding is? [I know that it was odd for my friends in Japan.] It is basically a lap dance standing up, or the person in front bending over. One of my favorite things at mixers was establishing a grinding train which is about four or more people in a line grinding against each other. Now when watching it, it looks like sex with clothes on = dry humping. However, I usually did this with friends and I never had the intention of sleeping with any of them. Another story to give you perspective on my outlook is that I was dropping it like it's hot since 6th grade (first year of middle school = 11). It is just the style of dancing that is popular. Britney Spears was 16 when Baby Hit Me One More Time was released.
So when I look at what they did I'm not too concerned. If they were wearing something more risque then I would have a problem, but at the moment it only looks like the dancing is suggestive. I think the moves people are most bothered by are ones relating to the chairs. Personally, it makes sense if you think choreography. I tend to be unimpressed by dancing with chairs, but they did a good job of it. Then there is the camera shots, like of their butts. I've tried to think of a better shot that would be better to highlight the move, but I don't have any better ideas. Plus, it is not gratuitous shots. So, nope. I do not think this is inappropriate.
[I've bashed Miley Cyrus because I think the situation is different. If you are a Disney star then your music is targeted at young children. Britney Spears had a break after the kids TV show before debuting as a solo artist. You can't help who your fans are, but if part of your target audience is children you must take extra responsibility. I don't care if you all of a sudden want to act your age. You need to handle a careful transition, preferably a break period.]
The Masterminds Behind J-Idols:
This was spurred by my discovery that I'll likely never purchase a Johnny's good ever (well maybe with the exception of a concert ticket). Why is that? Because the man behind JE, Johnny Kitagawa, is a pedophile. Now this especially pisses me off consider the strict code idols themselves follow. It also disturbs me because the media tends to avoid the topic because he basically owns all the popular males stars in Japan. This is disappointing because when I was considering doing a comparison of the three main idol-production groups I was planning on praising them. JE has the most long-term success not only for the groups themselves but as a organization as a whole. They've been successful for a while. Plus, older units like SMAP and Arashi, who is heading into their 30s, are still standing strong.
Let's compare this to Hello Project. Their production style, PV-wise, is similar. You tend to see a lot of low budget, formulaic music videos. However the main difference is the success topic. I think everyone is aware that Hello Project has plateaued. I thought they were coming back with S/mileage but they fizzled out due to bad management on Tsunku's part. The whole member change element did it in for Morning Musume too. At first it worked extremely well, but now the biggest factor is no one knows the current members. The question is what will he do with Dream Morning Musume. The group could become like SMAP or Arashi with longterm success, but only if he tries to do more than make money. Both Johnny and Kitagawa, to me, seem only out there for the bottom line.
I think the topic isn't 100% true when it comes to Akimoto Yasushi. They've been employing amazing film directors to film their PVs. He has also used controversial subject matter. For example, a verse in Beginner isn't performed on TV because it criticizes parents. They've had singles on sexuality, bullying, and SKE48 just released a PV featuring homosexual behavior. SDN48's singles consistently were in the Top 3 of the Oricon charts, but he is disbanding them. It isn't like he isn't making money off of them. While he hasn't made long term success for a single group. He has had multiple periods of success. He formed Onyanko Club in 1985. Onyanko Club debuted at #5, but the following single hit at #2. They had six consecutive #1 singles. If you wonder why AKB48 songs have strong sexual undertones it is likely due to Akimoto. Onyanko Club was known for their playful, un-preachy, songs about taboo subjects. I think Akimoto is more of an creative guy, but the record company and likely business-minded folk contribute to their marketing. [Fun side note for Morning Musume fans. While he was in high school he produced episodes of Utaban.]
Photobook Wishlist [The Part Where You All Discover I'm a Perv]:
The news of Acchan releasing another photobook got me super excited; I almost bought it immediately. I'm planning on going to Japan next year so I've concluded it is best to wait and just go on a shopping splurge. AKB48 fans have likely heard this news by now. Acchan's PB sales tend to amazing. I personally adore her previous releases. On that topic, the photobooks that I currently own are the following: Myao's Shining Sky, Watarirouka Hashiritai's Akkanbe, both travel diary PBs from AKB48, the third volume of TomoCawaii, AKB48 x Bijo Saishu, Acchan, and ATSUKO. So if you are keeping track I own two of her PBs. One was taken in Hawaii, the other in New York City. The concept for this release is her clumsy side, which is very true. Plus, it was shot in Paris. I enjoy PBs shot in different countries because you see them play around more than if they were just held up in a room. Now moving onto my current wishlist. [They are in no particular order.]
1. Maeda Atsuko (AKB) - Bukiyou
2. Maeda Atsuko (AKB) - Hai
3. Michishige Sayumi (Morning Musume) - La
4. Ishikawa Rika (Dream Morning Musume) - hanagocoro
5. AKB48 - AKB48 Twenty-Four Hours
6. Matsui Rena (SKE) - Kingyo
7. Asami Konno (ex Morning Musume member) - Alo-Hello!
8. Kojima Haruna (AKB) - Haruna Kojima
9. Oshima Yuko (AKB) - Yuko Oshima L.A.
10. Itano Tomomi (AKB) - TomoCawaii Vol. 2
11. Eri Kamei (ex Morning Musume) - 20
12. Fujimoto Miki (Dream Morning Musume) - Cheri
13. Abe Natsumi (Dream Morning Musume) - ecru [or whatever I love Nacchi]
Idols and Dubstep:
There are people who love or hate dubstep, similar to the reaction received by to auto-tune. I fell in love with dubstep thanks to the UK hit TV show Skins which is known for their music selection. If you watch the sixth season which is currently airing you'll likely hear it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about or what it sounds like, here is a link. If you frequent YouTube, you've probably have noticed popular songs being remixed with dubstep. It is basically good party/ club music. Just like how not long after auto-tune went mainstream in the US that it went mainstream in Asia, dubstep has followed. I've yet to see it gain the popularity it has in the United States, but that may be due to (at least in Japan) the clubscene is different when compared to the west.
My interest in discussing this topic was due to the preview of Morning Musume's upcoming single which features auto-tuning and the use of dubstep. Personally I've hated most instances of auto-tune by Morning Musume, and Hello Project in general. It doesn't make Shige's voice sound better but pitchier. It tends to ruin singles for me, like with Niigaki's lines in Only You. I'm waiting till I see the PV for this song before laying final judgement on the use of dubstep. At the moment it sounds a bit like they just added it in there to try to be cool. The rest of the song sounds like their past singles. It is only featured heavily in two segments: the beginning and presumedly in a dance section. While other songs I've heard from the west integrate it more into the beat.
Now K-Pop isn't excluded from the practice either. However, I only recently noticed it. There was one song in particular that it jumped out at me but I've forgotten which. However, when I tried to figure out what it was I found out that it was used in Hyuna's Bubble Pop. [face palm] I've listened to that song so many times, why have I never noticed it! So when I was listening to it I was like 'where is it?' because the most noticeable time is in the dance section. [I was probably too distracted by the infamous butt-to-vagina wipe she does.] A strong beat isn't uncommon for K-Pop, but if you notice they use a small dubstep part used as a beat in the verses. I had to listen for it to notice. I do like the approach because it is not too overpowering, so the song doesn't sound like a remix. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind dubstep being more highlighted. Songs like Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, and Ke$ha's Till the World Ends I think feature it well without making the only noticeable element. [although that song is technically a remix.]
Provocative Dancing:
I would like to focus on the example of the rookie K-Pop group ChoColat and their recent music video, One More Day, that has been getting some heat. I want to start off with saying that I completely understand why people are upset. The last thing I approve of is sexualization of children. It is unhealthy. I am in favor of banning child beauty pageants. What the PV Guru Guru Curtain did I thought was distasteful which was sad because I did like relatively everything else.
After stating that little disclaimer I now want to get into the fact that I don't mind the dancing in the MV. The youngest members are basically freshmen in high school if that helps give you an idea of their age. I don't know about you guys but this is nothing by my freshmen standards. At mixers, dance parties held above a local bowling alley after home football games, it was basically a mass of grinding teens. Does everybody here know what grinding is? [I know that it was odd for my friends in Japan.] It is basically a lap dance standing up, or the person in front bending over. One of my favorite things at mixers was establishing a grinding train which is about four or more people in a line grinding against each other. Now when watching it, it looks like sex with clothes on = dry humping. However, I usually did this with friends and I never had the intention of sleeping with any of them. Another story to give you perspective on my outlook is that I was dropping it like it's hot since 6th grade (first year of middle school = 11). It is just the style of dancing that is popular. Britney Spears was 16 when Baby Hit Me One More Time was released.

[I've bashed Miley Cyrus because I think the situation is different. If you are a Disney star then your music is targeted at young children. Britney Spears had a break after the kids TV show before debuting as a solo artist. You can't help who your fans are, but if part of your target audience is children you must take extra responsibility. I don't care if you all of a sudden want to act your age. You need to handle a careful transition, preferably a break period.]
The Masterminds Behind J-Idols:
This was spurred by my discovery that I'll likely never purchase a Johnny's good ever (well maybe with the exception of a concert ticket). Why is that? Because the man behind JE, Johnny Kitagawa, is a pedophile. Now this especially pisses me off consider the strict code idols themselves follow. It also disturbs me because the media tends to avoid the topic because he basically owns all the popular males stars in Japan. This is disappointing because when I was considering doing a comparison of the three main idol-production groups I was planning on praising them. JE has the most long-term success not only for the groups themselves but as a organization as a whole. They've been successful for a while. Plus, older units like SMAP and Arashi, who is heading into their 30s, are still standing strong.
Let's compare this to Hello Project. Their production style, PV-wise, is similar. You tend to see a lot of low budget, formulaic music videos. However the main difference is the success topic. I think everyone is aware that Hello Project has plateaued. I thought they were coming back with S/mileage but they fizzled out due to bad management on Tsunku's part. The whole member change element did it in for Morning Musume too. At first it worked extremely well, but now the biggest factor is no one knows the current members. The question is what will he do with Dream Morning Musume. The group could become like SMAP or Arashi with longterm success, but only if he tries to do more than make money. Both Johnny and Kitagawa, to me, seem only out there for the bottom line.
I think the topic isn't 100% true when it comes to Akimoto Yasushi. They've been employing amazing film directors to film their PVs. He has also used controversial subject matter. For example, a verse in Beginner isn't performed on TV because it criticizes parents. They've had singles on sexuality, bullying, and SKE48 just released a PV featuring homosexual behavior. SDN48's singles consistently were in the Top 3 of the Oricon charts, but he is disbanding them. It isn't like he isn't making money off of them. While he hasn't made long term success for a single group. He has had multiple periods of success. He formed Onyanko Club in 1985. Onyanko Club debuted at #5, but the following single hit at #2. They had six consecutive #1 singles. If you wonder why AKB48 songs have strong sexual undertones it is likely due to Akimoto. Onyanko Club was known for their playful, un-preachy, songs about taboo subjects. I think Akimoto is more of an creative guy, but the record company and likely business-minded folk contribute to their marketing. [Fun side note for Morning Musume fans. While he was in high school he produced episodes of Utaban.]
Watching this interview is very enlightening for a fan. I've always tried to defend AKB48 talent-wise, so hearing the concept makes me appreciate AKB48 more. I do think there are members who are talented, but there is variation. I do agree that as a whole they could not compete against western artists. This is where I see a difference between Tsunku and Akimoto's selection of talent.
dream morning musume,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
PV Releases (022112)
Poll Results (021612):
1. Watanabe Mayu - Synchro Tokimeki
2. Tokyo Girls Style - Rock you!
3. SPICA - Russian Roulette
4. PASSPO - Kimi wa Boku wo Suki ni Naru
[Unloved Music Videos: U-KISS - A Shared Dream, SPEED - Lovey Dovey Plus]
Not a bit surprised that Mayuyu won the poll. For one, I didn't love anyone in particular (I had critiques on all of them) but also because I'm confident there are a bunch of biased readers. The production value on Mayu's was good.
My favorite PV for this week has to be ORANGE RANGE's, and my least favorite goes to KAT-TUN. I'm planning on using my three votes for miss A, ORANGE RANGE, and finally DAZZLE VISION. I have a suspicion that Momoclo (without Akari) will do well in this poll. The reason why I don't like it, besides the song, is that the concept doesn't make sense. It is just a hodge-podge of things with just the excuse it is science fiction style.
So we first see the girls on the moon with glowing eyes so either their robots of some kind or have super powers, and one is playing the electric guitar for a couple of seconds. They never reintroduce the playing instruments. Yeah it is a cool shot but am I to believe these are cylon/ pirate/ rockstars on the moon? Please pick a couple and stick with it and we are only three seconds in. They fly around on bikes, but also can travel by floating, and their space ship or hub in the background also has wires that they connect to their heads. They can do the whole dragon ball thing and celebrate when Reni starts floating away even though they've already done it. WTF! What does pirates have to do with any of this? There is a significant lack of pirate-lack activity, so why aren't they wearing futuristic outfits. Pillage a plant. Give them some swords. Just because you can put babies, kitties, sparkles, Russian Unicorns, dragons, cylons, singing policewomen, and coffee in a PV doesn't mean you should. They could of done plenty with the bikes, space travel, and pirates to make a great PV. I dig doing something different and all but that doesn't mean you get a pass on doing it well.
4. PASSPO - Kimi wa Boku wo Suki ni Naru
[Unloved Music Videos: U-KISS - A Shared Dream, SPEED - Lovey Dovey Plus]
Not a bit surprised that Mayuyu won the poll. For one, I didn't love anyone in particular (I had critiques on all of them) but also because I'm confident there are a bunch of biased readers. The production value on Mayu's was good.
My favorite PV for this week has to be ORANGE RANGE's, and my least favorite goes to KAT-TUN. I'm planning on using my three votes for miss A, ORANGE RANGE, and finally DAZZLE VISION. I have a suspicion that Momoclo (without Akari) will do well in this poll. The reason why I don't like it, besides the song, is that the concept doesn't make sense. It is just a hodge-podge of things with just the excuse it is science fiction style.
So we first see the girls on the moon with glowing eyes so either their robots of some kind or have super powers, and one is playing the electric guitar for a couple of seconds. They never reintroduce the playing instruments. Yeah it is a cool shot but am I to believe these are cylon/ pirate/ rockstars on the moon? Please pick a couple and stick with it and we are only three seconds in. They fly around on bikes, but also can travel by floating, and their space ship or hub in the background also has wires that they connect to their heads. They can do the whole dragon ball thing and celebrate when Reni starts floating away even though they've already done it. WTF! What does pirates have to do with any of this? There is a significant lack of pirate-lack activity, so why aren't they wearing futuristic outfits. Pillage a plant. Give them some swords. Just because you can put babies, kitties, sparkles, Russian Unicorns, dragons, cylons, singing policewomen, and coffee in a PV doesn't mean you should. They could of done plenty with the bikes, space travel, and pirates to make a great PV. I dig doing something different and all but that doesn't mean you get a pass on doing it well.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
SDN48's Yuuwaku No Garter Stage Reaction
This performance that I watched is from the Revival Concert series that took place last summer. I've loved and hated SDN48. My hope is that Dream Morning Musume will become what I wanted from SDN48. I'm sad to see them go, but their last two singles feel like they gave up. May I just say the whole AV-sounding overture reminds me why I'm not too depressed about them being disbanded. The sad thing is that this stage reminds me why I like them. This is the first time I watched the entire concert.
Saturday Night Party
This is a pretty standard opening number. It isn't something I would want to listen over and over again, but it doesn't make my ears bleed. The girls do a wonderful job of performing it. The choreography is okay; I would like to have a word with the person that thought that jazz dance move looked good. I did not think I was watching a middle school dance recital. Take a note from SKE48, only highlight technical dancing when it is somewhat impressive. How long is this song? I guess I like the glamour costumes.
That was an adorable opening verse. This would be a better opening number in my opinion. It has that same vibe, but better. I'm going to shoot some camera people! Who gave the okay for an up dress shot? The performance aspect is good, but the dancing (sigh).
Black Boy
I love this song. There is better dancing and pants! I need to look up a translation in hope to figure out what they mean by 'black boy' because they do have Black people.
[I'm skipping the random single songs included in the concert just because they aren't usually included in the setlist, as far as I'm aware.]
Yuuwaku No Garter
Here is the infamous unit that the stage is named after. Here I am okay with overt sexuality because of the content of the song. Just like how I am okay with sex scenes or nudity in films, just need a legitimate reason for including it. Off go the garters = yeah fan service. I sang along because I liked it.
I'm sure.
You guys probably know this from a shuffle unit with Shinoda Mariko and Kojima Haruna. "Can I get a kiss?" (say yes!) "Oh My Gaw" (giggle that is not the right answer). The Engrish isn't too bad, but I would of written it a bit different, and then there are times I don't know if they are speaking in English or Japanese. "Are you ready to do it?" (that was forward) "Anytime" (woah). Why do the lesbians have to wear frumpy costumes? I have to say the units thus far are all pretty strong when it comes to the music.
All In
I think Nonti looks hotter in a dress. This reminds me of the '80s. This is probably my least favorite unit for this stage. It would of been better if they were all in Men's wear for women and didn't do the whole female/male role thing because most of them look sexy in those outfits. They did that jazz dance thing again. . . I made a face like this:
Jajauma Lady
Yes it is CINDY's unit! Cindy pulls off the cowgirl hat wonderfully, work it! MOE~ Cindy is totally stealing all of my attention. The one in dark blue is probably my second favorite. Oh they brought out a whip. Are you making this dirty? That is not what you do at the beginning of a dance section! Humping the stage is not allowed. . . they're going to try to be sexy and look like idiots aren't they? And that is an affirmative.
I like the combination of latin influence and the sound of a live musical. Instead of a dance section they are doing 'hey look what I can do' part. Sparkles. I'm done with this song. It has a nice chorus and all, but it is receptive to say the least. (but there are sparkles and shiny boots)
Futsuu No Anata
I was surprised how much I like this song. Now look surprised. Performances are ten times better when they look like they are having fun. This made me smile.
Best by・・・
Ghostbusters anyone? Cat fight! There goes the running man. I may be kidding around, but I do like this song and performance. I just don't have much to say at the moment.
Aisareru Tame Ni
Oh dear lord. You are going to make me cry that sounds beautiful. I'm getting goosebumps. I'm going to take all of solo shots for this! Crap, now I am even more disappointed they didn't release an amazing ballad for a single. FUCK NONTI! Why didn't this get in the Top 100! I'm never going to see them live. I can't believe you did this to me.
Kodoku Na Runner
Favorite song! You guys are so much better than some of those K-Pop groups that come to Japan. They release basically the same product, but you guys have this amazing stage. Plus, you guys aren't all under 120 pounds. Stupid After School and their Rambling Girls looks and sounds like your first four singles and you had better lyrics than 'la la la we are rambling girls'. There is female empowerment for you!
And we have someone who is Chinese, who knew. Why is the encore always the best part of stages? I adore the deep vocals. It is something that isn't as common in AKB. Great, now I don't want them to disband. I would buy their album if it had more songs like the ones in their stage combined with the A-sides (and maybe some B-sides) from their singles.
Vampire Keikaku
Is it just me or is this a little upbeat for a song with Vampire in the title. I don't mind pelvic thrusting if vampire are involved. The vampires are quite happy.
Saturday Night Party
This is a pretty standard opening number. It isn't something I would want to listen over and over again, but it doesn't make my ears bleed. The girls do a wonderful job of performing it. The choreography is okay; I would like to have a word with the person that thought that jazz dance move looked good. I did not think I was watching a middle school dance recital. Take a note from SKE48, only highlight technical dancing when it is somewhat impressive. How long is this song? I guess I like the glamour costumes.
That was an adorable opening verse. This would be a better opening number in my opinion. It has that same vibe, but better. I'm going to shoot some camera people! Who gave the okay for an up dress shot? The performance aspect is good, but the dancing (sigh).
Black Boy
I love this song. There is better dancing and pants! I need to look up a translation in hope to figure out what they mean by 'black boy' because they do have Black people.
[I'm skipping the random single songs included in the concert just because they aren't usually included in the setlist, as far as I'm aware.]
Yuuwaku No Garter
Here is the infamous unit that the stage is named after. Here I am okay with overt sexuality because of the content of the song. Just like how I am okay with sex scenes or nudity in films, just need a legitimate reason for including it. Off go the garters = yeah fan service. I sang along because I liked it.
I'm sure.
You guys probably know this from a shuffle unit with Shinoda Mariko and Kojima Haruna. "Can I get a kiss?" (say yes!) "Oh My Gaw" (giggle that is not the right answer). The Engrish isn't too bad, but I would of written it a bit different, and then there are times I don't know if they are speaking in English or Japanese. "Are you ready to do it?" (that was forward) "Anytime" (woah). Why do the lesbians have to wear frumpy costumes? I have to say the units thus far are all pretty strong when it comes to the music.
All In
I think Nonti looks hotter in a dress. This reminds me of the '80s. This is probably my least favorite unit for this stage. It would of been better if they were all in Men's wear for women and didn't do the whole female/male role thing because most of them look sexy in those outfits. They did that jazz dance thing again. . . I made a face like this:
Yes it is CINDY's unit! Cindy pulls off the cowgirl hat wonderfully, work it! MOE~ Cindy is totally stealing all of my attention. The one in dark blue is probably my second favorite. Oh they brought out a whip. Are you making this dirty? That is not what you do at the beginning of a dance section! Humping the stage is not allowed. . . they're going to try to be sexy and look like idiots aren't they? And that is an affirmative.
I like the combination of latin influence and the sound of a live musical. Instead of a dance section they are doing 'hey look what I can do' part. Sparkles. I'm done with this song. It has a nice chorus and all, but it is receptive to say the least. (but there are sparkles and shiny boots)
Futsuu No Anata
I was surprised how much I like this song. Now look surprised. Performances are ten times better when they look like they are having fun. This made me smile.
Best by・・・
Ghostbusters anyone? Cat fight! There goes the running man. I may be kidding around, but I do like this song and performance. I just don't have much to say at the moment.
Aisareru Tame Ni
Oh dear lord. You are going to make me cry that sounds beautiful. I'm getting goosebumps. I'm going to take all of solo shots for this! Crap, now I am even more disappointed they didn't release an amazing ballad for a single. FUCK NONTI! Why didn't this get in the Top 100! I'm never going to see them live. I can't believe you did this to me.
Kodoku Na Runner
Favorite song! You guys are so much better than some of those K-Pop groups that come to Japan. They release basically the same product, but you guys have this amazing stage. Plus, you guys aren't all under 120 pounds. Stupid After School and their Rambling Girls looks and sounds like your first four singles and you had better lyrics than 'la la la we are rambling girls'. There is female empowerment for you!
And we have someone who is Chinese, who knew. Why is the encore always the best part of stages? I adore the deep vocals. It is something that isn't as common in AKB. Great, now I don't want them to disband. I would buy their album if it had more songs like the ones in their stage combined with the A-sides (and maybe some B-sides) from their singles.
Vampire Keikaku
Is it just me or is this a little upbeat for a song with Vampire in the title. I don't mind pelvic thrusting if vampire are involved. The vampires are quite happy.
Music Video Releases 021612
Let's get straight to the poll results. As I said before I would update you when there were more votes or any changes. Since then here are the results:
This Week:
To be honest I was quite disappointed. Most of these PVs were pretty good or were on the right track but one thing or another happened and ruined it for me. I hesitantly say Passpo had my favorite MV. Their dance shots were flawless and the small storyline shots in theory were good the acting was way too cheesy for my taste. However, the twist at the end saved it for me. My least favorite is definitely Ailee's MV. The editing is overdone you would think the editors thought she was ugly or something.
Best (021012):
1. Dream Morning Musume - Shining Butterfly (6 votes)
2. SCANDAL - Harukaze (4 votes)
3. Miryo - Dirty (3 votes)
The Unloved MVs (0 votes): Twilight's Twilight, CAN'NO's Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu, and STELLAR's U.F.O.
Best (021412):
1. AKB48 - GIVE ME FIVE (11 votes)
2. Special Girls B (AKB) - Hitsujikai no Tabi (10 votes)
3. DiVA - Lost the way (6 votes)
Forever Alone PV (0 votes): Lead's Wanna Be With You
Jeez, half of the time I'm not sure if you guys are just voting for your favorite artist or because you really like it. I'm surprised that Lead didn't get any love I thought it was really good; I liked it better than Miryo's video that got four votes. When I took an earlier look at the results I was concerned because Selection 6 (AKB)'s Sweet & Bitter was aiming for second place. I know a lot of good gifs came out of it, but it was vanilla.
This Week:
To be honest I was quite disappointed. Most of these PVs were pretty good or were on the right track but one thing or another happened and ruined it for me. I hesitantly say Passpo had my favorite MV. Their dance shots were flawless and the small storyline shots in theory were good the acting was way too cheesy for my taste. However, the twist at the end saved it for me. My least favorite is definitely Ailee's MV. The editing is overdone you would think the editors thought she was ugly or something.
Monday, February 13, 2012
PV Releases 021412
Let's start off with the results of what you guys thought were the best and worst PVs. Reminder: You only get to vote once, but you can select up to three options. [I'm going to be honest, I'll split ties based on who I thought was better.] Thus far only 21 people have voted, so I will keep it open. If the results change or a significant number of people vote I will let you know. I'm not too surprised by DMM getting the top spot. It had a relatively good message (why can't the girls have guy problems and not work as hostesses) and a storyline. I liked the outfits for the dance shot because it wasn't overtly sexual, but the glimpse of leg was gorgeous. It was great to see the star power and it was reminiscent of past Morning Musume releases. I'm hoping they try to push it and not just be out there to make money because they are well-known and talented.
I'm disappointed in you guys though; voting for Rambling Girls PV? They just dance around in shiny, futuristic outfits and do this hip sway thing for half of the song. SDN48 had PVs that had more variety, better dancing, and better lyrics. I do give it to you guys, the song is catchy (but I hate myself for it because it is mostly 'la la las').
1. Dream Morning Musume - Shining Butterfly
2. Miryo - Dirty
3. IU - Last Fantasy
4. After School - Rambling Girls
Worst (No Votes):
1. Twilight - Twilight
2. T-ara - Roly Poly (Japanese Ver.)
3. Nogizaka46 - Guru Guru Curtain
Now here are some other music videos for your viewing pleasure. I'll include some of AKB48's B-side PVs in the poll, but most of my old links have been deleted. I do have the full GIVE ME FIVE PV with English subtitles. . . woooooo. The ones I like this round, pretty much all of them, but especially Ieiri Reo's Sabrina, EXO-K's What Is Love, and Special Girls B's Hitsujikai no Tabi. [DiVA's is only a preview but I have a feeling there is a little more to what we see there.] My least favorite is AKB48's GIVE ME FIVE, for the same reason why I don't like T-ara's Cry Cry or Lovey Dovey: way too frickin' long and boring.
I'm disappointed in you guys though; voting for Rambling Girls PV? They just dance around in shiny, futuristic outfits and do this hip sway thing for half of the song. SDN48 had PVs that had more variety, better dancing, and better lyrics. I do give it to you guys, the song is catchy (but I hate myself for it because it is mostly 'la la las').
1. Dream Morning Musume - Shining Butterfly
2. Miryo - Dirty
3. IU - Last Fantasy
4. After School - Rambling Girls
Worst (No Votes):
1. Twilight - Twilight
2. T-ara - Roly Poly (Japanese Ver.)
3. Nogizaka46 - Guru Guru Curtain
Now here are some other music videos for your viewing pleasure. I'll include some of AKB48's B-side PVs in the poll, but most of my old links have been deleted. I do have the full GIVE ME FIVE PV with English subtitles. . . woooooo. The ones I like this round, pretty much all of them, but especially Ieiri Reo's Sabrina, EXO-K's What Is Love, and Special Girls B's Hitsujikai no Tabi. [DiVA's is only a preview but I have a feeling there is a little more to what we see there.] My least favorite is AKB48's GIVE ME FIVE, for the same reason why I don't like T-ara's Cry Cry or Lovey Dovey: way too frickin' long and boring.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
So How Can K-Pop Make It In The US?
I've talked a lot about why artists from Korea and Japan don't seem to make it. I've also discussed what the new Korean wave is doing wrong. I've made 'what I would of done' comments. Last weekend some of my friends and I discussed what it takes to make it in the US market. I believe there are some key factors that would be helpful for K-Pop artists to make it.
The first thing we need to get into our heads as idol fans is this is the American market. If you make it here, you'll make it anywhere. Because of that, big acts after conquering their own market set their sights here. While I do think these artists want to do it, I question whether they or their management are willing to go all in.
It Takes Time to Make a Hit:
There are those songs that hit hard and fast. Britney Spears, I assume I don't actually remember when she debut, came out with instance success. You'll also see that with artists that have already made a name for themselves. But, if you are new on the scene, even if you have a hit-worthy track, might have to sit awhile and wait.
If you don't make it right out of the gate doesn't mean you don't have what it takes. Touring helps create a buzz. Pumped Up Kicks was on the New Moon Soundtrack, but it didn't become a sensation until 2011. This is a problem for Asian artists because in order to promote themselves they might need to sacrifice guaranteed success back home. We know from Rain, BoA, Akanishi Jin, Utada, Wonder Girls' first attempt, and plenty other artists that just because you come in with good producers and a record label doesn't mean a thing. Nicki Minj first couple of singles didn't catch my attention. I discovered her when Super Bass' music video was trending on YouTube and my friends were sharing it on Facebook. She has been in the music scene since 2007.
The Asian Thing:
I myself have pondered if this is a problem or not. It is obvious that Asian Americans aren't as common as Anglo-Saxon, Black, and Hispanic artists. The Far East Movement has done pretty well with a number one hit and touring with artists like Lady GaGa. Then I considered one of my favorite artists: M.I.A.
It is not like there is a significant Sri Lankan Tamil population in the United States. Heck, I bet you there are more people in the states who couldn't point to it on a map. British artists, white or black, aren't successful here. I think it is a possible barrier to be Asian or from a foreign country, but it doesn't mean it is impossible.
Covering the Basics:
Good things to have if you want to be a hit: cool concept, good music, and talent. Adele isn't what is generally considered beautiful but she is a huge star. Why? She is an amazing singer and she shows it off. She also has amazing songs. Ke$ha isn't the best singer, but she writes her own music and has a clear and attention-grabbing concept. If you are able to get a hit these are the things you need for people to stick around. If they find out they don't like any of your other music they're aren't going to wait around for long.
The two things I'm not too worried about is abilities. 2NE1 also has a good concept, but beware of being called Asian Lady GaGas. The thing is that Americans love to hear talent, so show it off! Why was Whitney Houston so popular? She could sing her butt off and even after all the scandals people still wanted her to succeed because she was talented.
The Industry Differences:
Here is where I see the majority of the problems coming from, and I think I've mentioned them. Lady GaGa writes her own music. Ke$ha writes her own music. Adele writes her own music. Katy Perry writes her own music. Superstars in the US market tend to contribute in a major way to their music. They may not write all of it or come up with the instrumental, but they help. It helps provide a genuine portrayal of the artist. [It also means that they are talented which is why people will look past poor vocals.] I'm not saying they need to play a hand, but the fact that they are just company puppets will be said and hurt their reputation.
Other aspects of the K-Pop Idol Industry which will promote that 'fake' image is the plastic surgery and how thin the girls are. Both of those things are MAJOR turn offs for myself. I prefer to see SNSD wearing more clothes to hide how skinny they are because I think it is not sexy and gross. Rumors go flying around all the time about how one Hollywood star may be anorexic. Personally, SNSD should gain some weight in order to not be scary thin or else here comes 'they aren't real women' claims.
Ever heard of Jennifer Grey? She was a film star in the '80s; she was in films like Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Dirty Dancing. What do you think killed her career? One nose job. I don't even like her anymore and I wasn't alive back then (I did love her movies before the nose incident). There isn't much they can do now about past operations. The best they can do is try to down play it or if it does come out be honest about what they did do to extinguish false rumors.
I think BoA had what it took to make it but her music was only okay and mostly just dance songs. She also ran back to Japan when sales weren't that good. Utada had a better shot talent wise. I really liked her music video for her debut single, but a couple of the lyrics were suspect. Utada at least tried harder. She did see the most success in my opinion. [I discovered Utada during her American stint.] Akanishi is releasing the same type of music BoA tried, so he won't go anywhere. However, like Utada, I feel he is more dedicated than BoA.
Let's Compare this to the top female artists at the moment:
Notice how all of the major female artists are solo acts.
The first thing we need to get into our heads as idol fans is this is the American market. If you make it here, you'll make it anywhere. Because of that, big acts after conquering their own market set their sights here. While I do think these artists want to do it, I question whether they or their management are willing to go all in.
It Takes Time to Make a Hit:
There are those songs that hit hard and fast. Britney Spears, I assume I don't actually remember when she debut, came out with instance success. You'll also see that with artists that have already made a name for themselves. But, if you are new on the scene, even if you have a hit-worthy track, might have to sit awhile and wait.
The Asian Thing:
I myself have pondered if this is a problem or not. It is obvious that Asian Americans aren't as common as Anglo-Saxon, Black, and Hispanic artists. The Far East Movement has done pretty well with a number one hit and touring with artists like Lady GaGa. Then I considered one of my favorite artists: M.I.A.
It is not like there is a significant Sri Lankan Tamil population in the United States. Heck, I bet you there are more people in the states who couldn't point to it on a map. British artists, white or black, aren't successful here. I think it is a possible barrier to be Asian or from a foreign country, but it doesn't mean it is impossible.
Covering the Basics:
Good things to have if you want to be a hit: cool concept, good music, and talent. Adele isn't what is generally considered beautiful but she is a huge star. Why? She is an amazing singer and she shows it off. She also has amazing songs. Ke$ha isn't the best singer, but she writes her own music and has a clear and attention-grabbing concept. If you are able to get a hit these are the things you need for people to stick around. If they find out they don't like any of your other music they're aren't going to wait around for long.
The two things I'm not too worried about is abilities. 2NE1 also has a good concept, but beware of being called Asian Lady GaGas. The thing is that Americans love to hear talent, so show it off! Why was Whitney Houston so popular? She could sing her butt off and even after all the scandals people still wanted her to succeed because she was talented.
The Industry Differences:
Here is where I see the majority of the problems coming from, and I think I've mentioned them. Lady GaGa writes her own music. Ke$ha writes her own music. Adele writes her own music. Katy Perry writes her own music. Superstars in the US market tend to contribute in a major way to their music. They may not write all of it or come up with the instrumental, but they help. It helps provide a genuine portrayal of the artist. [It also means that they are talented which is why people will look past poor vocals.] I'm not saying they need to play a hand, but the fact that they are just company puppets will be said and hurt their reputation.
Other aspects of the K-Pop Idol Industry which will promote that 'fake' image is the plastic surgery and how thin the girls are. Both of those things are MAJOR turn offs for myself. I prefer to see SNSD wearing more clothes to hide how skinny they are because I think it is not sexy and gross. Rumors go flying around all the time about how one Hollywood star may be anorexic. Personally, SNSD should gain some weight in order to not be scary thin or else here comes 'they aren't real women' claims.
Ever heard of Jennifer Grey? She was a film star in the '80s; she was in films like Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Dirty Dancing. What do you think killed her career? One nose job. I don't even like her anymore and I wasn't alive back then (I did love her movies before the nose incident). There isn't much they can do now about past operations. The best they can do is try to down play it or if it does come out be honest about what they did do to extinguish false rumors.
I think BoA had what it took to make it but her music was only okay and mostly just dance songs. She also ran back to Japan when sales weren't that good. Utada had a better shot talent wise. I really liked her music video for her debut single, but a couple of the lyrics were suspect. Utada at least tried harder. She did see the most success in my opinion. [I discovered Utada during her American stint.] Akanishi is releasing the same type of music BoA tried, so he won't go anywhere. However, like Utada, I feel he is more dedicated than BoA.
Let's Compare this to the top female artists at the moment:
Notice how all of the major female artists are solo acts.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Mina's PV Post With A Twist
I'm a lazy person who is busy with classes and having a life, so I've kind of stopped reviewing PVs. I know I'm horrible person. I'm procrastinating a lot of things including an essay that is being peer-edited tomorrow. I like voting in polls on other blogs so I thought it would add a little something. The twist is I will share my top picks (and maybe my least favorites) and you guys can vote for your favorites. The next time I spam you guys I will reveal the results. So yep.
My favorites are Miryo's Dirty, IU's Last Fantasy, and ChoColat's One More Day. My least favorites are After School's Rambling Girls, Twilight's Twilight, T-ara's Roly Poly, and Nogizaka46's Guru Guru Curtain.
My favorites are Miryo's Dirty, IU's Last Fantasy, and ChoColat's One More Day. My least favorites are After School's Rambling Girls, Twilight's Twilight, T-ara's Roly Poly, and Nogizaka46's Guru Guru Curtain.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Mina's Favorite JE & K-Pop Male Hotties
This is going to be a little of both of my previous posts of this genre, if I can call it that. [AKB48 BFF/ Girlfriends and then Attractive K-Pop Women] I faced a similar problem with my K-Pop post because I wasn't familiar enough with their personalities to determine if we would match. I don't want to rank girls based purely on looks so I just gave my top two. I'm going to do the same thing for everyone else except Arashi. This is partly due to the fact that if I am familiar with a member or two I probably don't know anything about the rest of the group, or that I don't think we would get along. Now with Arashi I will rank them by who I would want for a husband versus being a boyfriend/ friend with benefit.
~Bring On The Storm~
He probably has one of the best bodies in the group. He is adorable and I really like people who can make me laugh. I also appreciate the fact that he is smart and pays attention to current events. I like to read the newspaper myself. He seems dependable. The one reason why he isn't higher on the boy toy section is because my friends and I think he would be a little vanilla in the sack.
He has that edgy bad boy side of him, but he also is kind of a spazz. He makes some of the most ridiculous faces, and I think they are so much worse coming from him. I watched a hilarious clip of him taking care of a child, he looked a bit angry. It was cute. I think he is likely good in bed.
He is the dumb blonde of the group. He loves animals, as do I. Plus, him speaking English is the most beautiful thing in the world. He is a positive person and makes me laugh so it would be great to have him around.
Here is the sex addict himself. There has been quite a few stories of him and booty calls. His image is of a sensitive, but a bit harsh guy. I think he is the cutest, but his complaining would get on my nerves.
He seems the most family orientated out of the group. He might be still living with his parents, I'm not sure. He tells stories about playing Wii with his parents. He is on the quite side, which would be the big problem because I don't want to be the person who talks. I just think he would be a good dad.
The Buffet - >
Hey! Say! Jump - Yamada Ryosuke
Runner Up: Chinen Yuri
Big Bang - TOP
Runner Up: Taeyang
Kanjani8 - Nishikido Ryo
Runner Up: Yu Yokoyama
U-Kiss - Kevin
Runner Up: Soohyun
JYJ - Micky
Runner Up: Junsu
Super Junior - Yesung
Runner Up: Dong Hae
B1A4 - CNU
Runner Up: Sandeul
big bang,
hey say jump,
super junior,
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