Friday, February 12, 2010

Beckii Cruel

[Yes! I do know that it is friday night, and that I'm a complete shut-in, loser, but I'm on a roll here.]

Beckii Cruel has released another PV, with a couple other foreigners. And, I like it. I thought the first one was pointless, but I burned it onto a CD and played it in my car on the way to school today. I really liked it. I am jealous; if all it took was for me to dance to Japanese music on YouTube and to be a Westerner to get to go to Japan and be popular I would. I have to say, not hating on her, I bet I can dance better than her. Although, I do think she is better looking, and she is younger which is major points in the Japanese entertainment industry. If you have no IDEA who she is, I will as always provide:


The reporter keeps on getting on my nerves.


(Old) PV

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