Monday, February 1, 2010

Senior Prank?

Our school mascot has been missing for a couple of weeks now, and today I got a very interesting email:
Hello Captains:
Carley, Olivia, Sam, Kelly, Stephanie, Hannah, Jaime, Maddie, Jade, and Claire:

In case you didnt already know, I have your mascot. There's only one way your going to get it back... you have to find it. Because I'm such a nice guy, I'm going to help you try to find your beloved wildcat, but its not going to be easy, and your going to have to put somethought into it.

You may be wandering why I'm contacting you ten... and that's because You have been chosen as team captains for this special mission. Congratulations are in order. You were chosen because of your leadership skills and ability to rally the troops. Your role is going to be to coordinate with your team and relay info. from your team to me. It's very important that you are 100% game, because your team will be depending on you. If you don't wish to participate, and you know someone who wuld be better fit to be the captain for you're team, you are more than welcome to passyour duties on to someone else. ( make sure to let me know of this change). In case you weren't aware, this is a competition, and only one team will win. Trust me, you want to be that team. You can work together for now, but ultimately, you ten (and yur teams) are going to be pitted against each other, so think about that before you share too much with other teams.

I will send a separate e-mail with your team roster. Each member of your team will (in the near future) recieve a piece of the puzzle to finding the mascot. Make sure they put it together, it's very important. Please contact your team members and let them know that they shuld be keeping an eye out for a clue. Your school depends on you. Feel free to contact me on here or via my facebook. Let the games Begin.

Cat Napper


Yes there are some errors. This is going to be interesting. I feel like I am going to take part in the Liar Game.

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