Friday, February 19, 2010

MG mini Review

For the first two thirds (that is without subs to completely understand) it was dull. I love the whole YukoxSado pairing, though. The end gets epic. I was thrilled to see that old favorites shall return to get more screen time (Sae, Sayaka, Kabuki Sisters) and we will still meet more characters. This is going to get good. I can not wait to see the whole Maeda back-story (her hair always looks fabulous in the flash backs).

On a personal note: Tomorrow I'm doing the polar plunge! It will be my first time. I am surprised that I raised $250! After AP Exams, I'm doing a homeless shelter fundraiser by spending a night sleeping outside. (I want to go hardcore and only have some cardboard and maybe a blanket or pillow.)

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