Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nine Smile Thoughts

Here is what is going through my head as I watch the concert for the first time:
Opening (break out):
Cows? really?
Is Reina a cat? no panda, oh no she's a cow
Shige-Pink is the cutest!
Who came up with cows? someone from Wisconsin most likely.
2nd Song (how do you like Japan):
You do know you are in a cow-suit? (yeah I can't get over it)
I don't like this song... skipping it
not bad... I like it
pictures could use some improvement

3rd Song (Princess):
This is what I'm talking about (not the song)
Those pants make their legs look huge, I hate those costume people!
are they putting their voices through a squeaker?
not a good butt shot
thank you Reina, much better (same topic)
wow this is very high pitched!
poor pandas, back corners as usual
this is going to be hard with Ai
was that the cabbage patch?
4th (NR):
much better song
Koharu's hair is as big as her head
high five
hi JunJun, bye JunJun
perfection, Reina
5th (Genki):
I keep on thinking how I've seen better performances of this song
the stairs, they moved
skipping this one too
6th (Ame no Furanai):
chinese version, interesting
7th (Sukiyaki):
where are the classics?
oooo colors (VTR)
what the heck
I'm trying to figure out what barfed on them
that dancing!
glad that it is only risa and koharu
did you lose a bet? hahaha
8th (Beautiful):
yeah Eri,
no singing for aika
9th (KnM):
Ai and Reina again
greatness, but that is expected
10th (Aruiteru):
(bobbing head)
LOL this guy is jumping pretty high
(enjoying this one)
get off, you ruined it
we were having a moment here!
okay, i forgive some of you
only some
I wanted a Sayu Solo
11th (Aki Urara):
(I am making the face that I make when I am eating something for the first time and I'm unsure if I like it or not)
starting to feel bad about the stuff they force Koha to wear
12th (SY):
this would be better if they were in the same outfits
13th (Sakura Mankai):
this is nice
(nice chant to a slow song)
I don't know about the fans (not the people, the prop)
14th (Yuujou):
(singing along)
much better
(I should be doing my AP LIT hw)
are the faces (smiley faces, not anyone's actual face, actually maybe that includes Ai's) necessary?
are they even finishing their lines (Hand made City)
that is so the cabbage patch
Odore! Morning Curry= odd dance moves
here is a classic
if only there were subs
I should mention that the costumes have improved
it would be interesting if they mixed up who got what lines
the costumes are bulky
Sayu should have a bigger bow so she stands out as much as Koha
Shige was the best
love this song
wow, super-hip-thrust

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