Thursday, February 4, 2010

Tears of Joy (and get to know me)

I check other blogs daily to make sure I'm updated. One of the shortcuts I use is 'International Wota' ( I only recently emailed them because I was confused on how to become a member, so I could get my vote counted for the Wota Awards. Anyway, I just went to check for any new updates. I read the blog about Hikki, and scrolled down to find my own little entry. I felt like crying. (

I'm really happy right now, but I did notice a bit of confusion of when I got into which idol groups. So, here is an intro on how I became a wota. I've been into anime from even before I knew what anime was. I drove my parents mad as a young child watching 'My Neighbor Totoro' over and over again. (humming the theme) This continued as I grew up. The first J-pop artist that I was into, that I can recall, was Ayumi Hamasaki. I was learning Japanese as a second language, so the artists that I listened to expanded even more.

Okay, this is going to be a two part thing because the class period is almost over. Yes, I'm doing this during class. I also got my stuff in early, so get off my back. I have to end things here.

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