Friday, February 12, 2010

Referencing Another Wota

I know this may be interpreted as lazy, but I have been referencing other blogs lately. It is because someone said it first, I don't want to be a copy-cat unless I can bring a different opinion, POV, &ct. I completely agree with this entry, except I still don't like Ai-chan. (Still is really weird, I guess she just rubs me the wrong way. . . Okay {another tangent warning} when I mentioned Ai Takahashi 'Touch Me' from the Bollywood film Dhoom 2 started on iTunes. The universe thinks I need to come around back to Ai. I kind of liked her at one point.) I lost my original chain of thought. Darn tangents! Oh, I was about done anyway. The linking function does not work, or I'm doing something wrong so just copy and paste.

{here is the song that I mention: }

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