Wednesday, February 10, 2010


When I got home I expected to find the most recent episode of MG subbed by now. It is almost a whole week, and it hasn't taken that long in the past. I am being inpatient... but... okay I just am. Now onto something a bit more cheerful. Hyakupa Subs is translating Sayumi Michishige's blogs! I was checking to see if they have subbed the Utaban episode, but I found something else. She is sweet, and I feel like she is an underdog. She fell down three times (insert sad face). Sayumi, JunJun, then Eri are my current favorites of Morning Musume and in that order. JunJun has been funny and frank in TV appearances. At first I didn't like JunJun or LinLin at all. In fact I hated them. I saw them as a marketing tool. JunJun has grown on me, more so than LinLin (but now I like her). That is about all I want to say.

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