Saturday, February 6, 2010

AKB48 + Majisuka Gakuen + AKBingo!

I L-O-V-E Majisuka Gakuen! It is the shit! I always watch it on Fridays, then I wait a couple days (which is too long) and watch it again with subs. I don't care that it is on the serious side of things. I get to see all my favs either in a school uniform and or dressed as a yanki! If you are an AKB fan, and don't know much Japanese, you probably will still enjoy it even without the subs. Sayaka was starring in this episode, as well as Mayu and sprinkle in some Mii-chan too.

I also watch AKBingo! but I never get to see the subs. This episode was the girls playing dodge-ball, and if they were hit they would have to withstand punishment. The punishment wasn't as funny as the slider challenge or the cosplay/ MOE~ test. I got to see the, what is her name, the ugly-one from Majisuka Gakuen without the fat suit for the first time. She has a big head, but she is funny. I don't think I'll being doing AKBingo summaries like I said I would.

I don't know much about AKB48, I had to look up Mayu's name. I kept on reading posts about AX concerts, and now I just really want to know. If anyone could explain what it is to me that would be superb. I hope they come out on DVD! From what I understand it is like four days of concerts of just AKB48. The track lists for this year were pretty epic.

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