I don't following Idoling!!! at all unless I notice that they've released a PV. They are cute and all, but I've never bothered to learn anyone's name or to even find my favorite member. She is cute, likes to watch movies, and knows judo.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
UPDATED: Flying WANT! (+PV Preview)
As more is revealed the more I want AKB48's upcoming single Flying Get. The covers look great and it looks like they are messing with a fun concept of a kung-fu film. We'll see how well they pull it off. They've been working with some good directors as of late, so I am excited. Acchan does want to become an actress, if you don't consider her one already, so having a storyline included suits her as center. The limited editions are all sold out on CDJapan. The single is released on August 24th. Both regular editions are still first press so include a photo. One reason I love AKB48 right now is because you get so much content on their DVDs: three music videos, and two extra videos. (I'm grabbing a copy of Type A because of the awesome cover and everything else. I've made it a rule that I'm not ordering anything unless I have enough points to cover shipping or if I have enough to cover it in tips to put into the bank. You can help me support them while you support them by just using my links.)
Flying Get [Type A / CD+DVD / Regular Edition]
フライングゲット (FLYING GET)
Instrumentals of the three included tracks
フライングゲット Music Video
抱きしめちゃいけない Music Video
青春と気づかないまま Music Video
武闘映画「紅い八月〜頂上決戦篇」(Martial Arts Movie)
「フライングゲット」ダンシングバージョン (Flying Get Dance Shot)
Flying Get [Type B / CD+DVD / Regular Edition]
Flying Get [Type A / CD+DVD / Regular Edition]
フライングゲット (FLYING GET)
Instrumentals of the three included tracks
フライングゲット Music Video
抱きしめちゃいけない Music Video
青春と気づかないまま Music Video
武闘映画「紅い八月〜頂上決戦篇」(Martial Arts Movie)
「フライングゲット」ダンシングバージョン (Flying Get Dance Shot)
Flying Get [Type B / CD+DVD / Regular Edition]
フライングゲット (FLYING GET)
アイスのくちづけ (ICE NO KUCHI ZUKE)
Instrumentals of the three included tracks
フライングゲット Music Video
抱きしめちゃいけない Music Video
アイスのくちづけ Music Video
第3回 AKB48総選挙 ドキュメント映像 (Third General Election Documentary)
武闘映画「紅い八月〜頂上決戦篇・予告」(Martial Arts Movie)
Mina's Favorite 48s Members
Since my favorite idol happens to be my favorite AKB48 member I thought that would be a little dull. Therefore I am going to go through my favorite 48 members. Then why did I bring up Fujie Reina? I am just interested in her currently. I don't see that much from her, but she has been sticking out to me as of late.
Team A - Maeda Atsuko
Team K - Minegishi Minami
Team B - Sato Amina
Team 4 - Yamauchi Suzuran
Team S - Matsui Rena
Team KII - Takayanagi Akane
Team E - Kimoto Kanon
SDN48 - Urano Kazumi
NMB48 - Kishino Rika
Since my favorite idol happens to be my favorite AKB48 member I thought that would be a little dull. Therefore I am going to go through my favorite 48 members. Then why did I bring up Fujie Reina? I am just interested in her currently. I don't see that much from her, but she has been sticking out to me as of late.
Team A - Maeda Atsuko
Team K - Minegishi Minami
Team B - Sato Amina
Team 4 - Yamauchi Suzuran
Team S - Matsui Rena
Team KII - Takayanagi Akane
Team E - Kimoto Kanon
SDN48 - Urano Kazumi
NMB48 - Kishino Rika
Friday, July 29, 2011
Future Stream - sphere
Smash! kokoro sawagu mezametai to
yosougai no ashita he yukou ka
tobidase mayou toki janai
Start! watashi no kaita sekai chizu he to
mokutekichi wa omoitsuki daitan ni ima sugu TORABERAA
hirameita yo tanoshii koto
hitotsu zutsu kanaeyou
[Ta/Toy] guuzen yori hitsuzen desho [All] kimari dane!
tooku no sora ni nagareru yume no kaze
oikakeru kimi to watashi de
tsukurou yo Happy glider
aizu ni kometa kimochi wo uketomete
negai ga kirameku kesanai de omoi wa atsui mama de?
Chime! mune ni hibiku setsunai oto
kanjita nara fushigi wo motomete
isogou yo kore wa yobareteru
Chance! kimi ga hanashita monogatari ni wa
michi wo shimesu tegakari no koushinbi kibou no KARENDAA
toorisugita kanashii koto
sarige naku wasureyou
[Tom/Ko] namida yori mo hohoemi desho [All] wakaru yo ne?
tsudzuki wa motto kagayaku taiyou ni
kikitaiyo kimi wo watashi wo
tsurete yuku Speedy slider
tsudzuita keshiki soko ni wa mirai he no
kitai ga hirogaru
tashikamete miyou yo tokimeku nazo?
tooku no sora ni nagareru yume no kaze
oikakeru kimi to watashi de
tsukurou yo Happy glider
aizu ni kometa kimochi wo uketomete
negai ga kirameku kesanai de omoi wa atsui mama de?
Album : Future Stream
Lyric : Aki Hata (畑 亜貴)
Kanji Source : J-Lyric
Nerd Crossbreeding
OK- I have been sick this evening, which is probably a big portion of the mopeyness I was feeling earlier today, so I stayed in and was listening to a pod-cast interview of the author of ‘Panty Explosion- the Japanese Psychic Schoolgirl Role Playing Game.’ As the interview came to an end, the interviewers asked if there was anything he wanted to add- and he said he wanted to plug this show he was really into at the moment- “Majisuka Gakuen.’ He went on to talk about how it was basically his game without the psychic powers and they briefly discussed AKB48 and the upcoming janken tournament.
This is totally kewl for me because I am the one who introduced the author to ‘Majisuka Gakuen.’ I preordered the new edition of Panty Explosion and he was giving custom sketches away to everyone who preordered. I asked for a sketch of Gekikara from Majisuka and sent him a link to my blog post that raved about the show. He replied that it looked interesting and he would check it out. He also sent me a totally kewl sketch of Gekikara.
So, I am doing my part in spreading the gospel of AKB48 and the awesomeness of Majisuka Gakuen.
Link to the Interview
Skip to the last three minutes if you want to hear about AKB48.
Link to Atarashi Games
Their games are kewl for those interested in Japanesey things.
This is totally kewl for me because I am the one who introduced the author to ‘Majisuka Gakuen.’ I preordered the new edition of Panty Explosion and he was giving custom sketches away to everyone who preordered. I asked for a sketch of Gekikara from Majisuka and sent him a link to my blog post that raved about the show. He replied that it looked interesting and he would check it out. He also sent me a totally kewl sketch of Gekikara.
So, I am doing my part in spreading the gospel of AKB48 and the awesomeness of Majisuka Gakuen.
Link to the Interview
Skip to the last three minutes if you want to hear about AKB48.
Link to Atarashi Games
Their games are kewl for those interested in Japanesey things.
LET・ME・DO!! - sphere
Singer : Sphere (Takagaki Ayahi, Toyosaki Aki, Tomatsu Haruka, Kotobuki Minako)
itsumo Let me do sou jibun no ishi de aruitetai
datte Dream come true nee sono shunkan ga kagayaku
(wooo wooo wooo wooo)
(wooo wooo wooo)
[Ta/Tom] mou shitte irunda yume ni daishou nante nakute
[Ta/Tom] zenbu kanaetai jibun
[Toy/Ko] nee seichou shitatte kyou no BIGINAA da yo ne minna
[Toy/Ko] dakara seiippai shinka shiyou
[Ta/Tom] jissai [Toy/Ko] motto [Ta/Tom] shoujin [Toy/Ko] sansei! [Ta/Tom] zettai [Toy/Ko] zettai [Ta/Tom] kandou nanda
my joy your joy issho ni susumou yo
makenai yamenai RUURU datte soudan shite mo ii yo ne
minna iru kara!
itsumo Let me do sou jibun no ishi de aruitetai
datte Dream come true nee sono shunkan ga kagayaku
(wooo wooo wooo wooo)
(wooo wooo wooo)
[Toy/Ko] aa toomawari ni miete yami kumo datta keredo
[Toy/Ko] chanto koko ni koreta
[Ta/Tom] ima mune wo hatte rareru koutei shita kako ga
[Ta/Tom] kyou wo mirai kei ni shita
[Toy/Ko] ashita [Ta/Tom] motto [Toy/Ko] seikai [Ta/Tom] datte [Toy/Ko] zettai [Ta/Tom] zettai [Toy/Ko] omoeru
I can You can shinjite agerunda
tsugi wa tsugi wa nani ga shitai? donna yume wo mitai no?
kitai shichau ne
itsumo Be yourself sou jibun jishin wo daiji ni shite
kimi to iru kara sekai wa konnani tanoshii
dakara Be myself sou tsunagatte yuku egao wo hasshin
zutto Feel so good nee kono shunkan wo ikiru no
itsumo Let me do sou jibun no ishi de aruitetai
yaritai koto ni yuusen juni wa tsukezu ni
dakara Let me do sou yokubari datte akiramenai
kitto Dream come true nee sono shunkan ga kagayaku
(wooo wooo wooo wooo)
(wooo wooo wooo)
kanaete ikou!
Album : LET・ME・DO!!
Lyric : Kodama Saori (こだまさおり)
Kanji Source :
This is my presentation for Japanese class. It was really stressful to give, more so than any work I did as a lawyer. I am not terribly good at learning Japanese. The pictures appear approximately where in the talk I switched to that slide. It is in hirigana without kanji because when I can remember the meaning of kanji I can never remember how to pronounce it and this was an oral presentation.

わたしは にほんの テレビが すきです。 きょねんのはる、 あたらしいドラマ を みたかったです。 それから、 このしゃしんを みました。
これは にほんのドラマの “マジすかがくえん”です。
かわいくて きけんな おんなのこが でて いました から わたしは “マジすか”が みたくなりました。 “マジすか”は とても よかったです。 このドラマは おもしろい ひとが たくさんいます。 “マジすか”のなかの がくえんは
ヤンジーの おんなのこが たくさん います。
ヤンキーは けんかするのが すきです。
このしゃしんは “マジすか”のなかで ロリーターのヤンキーです。
このしゃしんは フォンデューの だいすきな ヤンキーです。
このしゃしんは “ゲキカラ”です。わたしは “マジすか”の おんなのこの なかで “ゲキカラ”が だいすきです。わたしは
“マジすか”が げんきで おもしろい と おもいます。 きょねんのはる、 AKB48を まだ しりませんでした。”マジすか“の なかで AKB48のなまえを みましたから、 ウェキピデヤで AKB48を しらべました。

AKB48が みんな ”マジすか“に でていました.
AKB48は アイドルの おんなのこ たちで よんじゅうはちにんです。

あきもとやすしさんが AKB48を つくりました。 あきもとさんは よんじゅうはちにんのアイドルのグループが せかいの おんがくのグループのなかで いちばん ゆうめいになる と おもっています。 あきもとさんは せかいで よんじゅうはちにんのアイドルの グループを たくさんつくりたがっでいます。
あきもとさんは とうきょうで AKB48を つくりました。 なごやで SKE48を つくって、 おおさかで NMB48を つくりました。 こんど HKT48が ふくおかに できます。 それから あきもとさんは たいわんでも グループを つくる つもりです。 つぎは アメリカですか。
あきもとさんは カルチャーが にほんに くるのが おわる といっていました。 あきもとさんは いま カルチャーは にほんから せかいに いく といっていました。 そのカルチャーは よんじゅうはちにんのアイドルのグループです。
あきもとさんは よんじゅうはちにんのグループを つくるのが じょうずです。
はじめての AKB48のコンサートに ひとがしちにんだけ いきました。 いま、 ごねんご、 AKB48は にんきがあります。 AKB48は CDをせんまんまい うっています。にせんじゅうねんの にほんの うたの なかで AKB48の “Beginner”が いちばん にんきがある うたです。
あきもとさんのけいかくは へんです が おもしろいと おもいます。
AKB48が LAに きたとき、 わたしは AKB48のろくにんに あって AKB48の はなしを しました。
どうして AKB48は にんきがありますか。 わたしは とうきょうとLAとせいぶに AKB48を みにいきました。
AKB48は げんきで たのしいです が にんきがある りゆうが わかりません。 にほんの ともだちも AKB48は へんだ と いっていました。AKB48は へんで にほんで にんきがありますから この べんごしは AKB48が だいすきです。

では、 これでおわります。
すき、 ヤンキーソーロ
わたしは にほんの テレビが すきです。 きょねんのはる、 あたらしいドラマ を みたかったです。 それから、 このしゃしんを みました。

これは にほんのドラマの “マジすかがくえん”です。
かわいくて きけんな おんなのこが でて いました から わたしは “マジすか”が みたくなりました。 “マジすか”は とても よかったです。 このドラマは おもしろい ひとが たくさんいます。 “マジすか”のなかの がくえんは
ヤンジーの おんなのこが たくさん います。

このしゃしんは “ゲキカラ”です。わたしは “マジすか”の おんなのこの なかで “ゲキカラ”が だいすきです。わたしは

“マジすか”が げんきで おもしろい と おもいます。 きょねんのはる、 AKB48を まだ しりませんでした。”マジすか“の なかで AKB48のなまえを みましたから、 ウェキピデヤで AKB48を しらべました。
AKB48が みんな ”マジすか“に でていました.

あきもとやすしさんが AKB48を つくりました。 あきもとさんは よんじゅうはちにんのアイドルのグループが せかいの おんがくのグループのなかで いちばん ゆうめいになる と おもっています。 あきもとさんは せかいで よんじゅうはちにんのアイドルの グループを たくさんつくりたがっでいます。

あきもとさんは よんじゅうはちにんのグループを つくるのが じょうずです。
はじめての AKB48のコンサートに ひとがしちにんだけ いきました。 いま、 ごねんご、 AKB48は にんきがあります。 AKB48は CDをせんまんまい うっています。にせんじゅうねんの にほんの うたの なかで AKB48の “Beginner”が いちばん にんきがある うたです。
あきもとさんのけいかくは へんです が おもしろいと おもいます。
どうして AKB48は にんきがありますか。 わたしは とうきょうとLAとせいぶに AKB48を みにいきました。
AKB48は げんきで たのしいです が にんきがある りゆうが わかりません。 にほんの ともだちも AKB48は へんだ と いっていました。AKB48は へんで にほんで にんきがありますから この べんごしは AKB48が だいすきです。
では、 これでおわります。
すき、 ヤンキーソーロ
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Mina's Favorite Hello Project Member
Really that is a lot of girls to consider. . . I lowered it down to Hagiwara Mai, Suzuki Airi, and Mizuki Fukumura for members that I favor. However, I guess I am going with my usual answer, because she is still my favorite. She get a lot of crap from people, so it isn't easy being her fan. Plus, she isn't the best singer or dancer. I just like her personality. She is sweet. She works hard. She can be cute and sexy. She is also the most entertaining member of Morning Musume which is clear by how many solo appearances she makes on TV.
Really that is a lot of girls to consider. . . I lowered it down to Hagiwara Mai, Suzuki Airi, and Mizuki Fukumura for members that I favor. However, I guess I am going with my usual answer, because she is still my favorite. She get a lot of crap from people, so it isn't easy being her fan. Plus, she isn't the best singer or dancer. I just like her personality. She is sweet. She works hard. She can be cute and sexy. She is also the most entertaining member of Morning Musume which is clear by how many solo appearances she makes on TV.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
AKB48 and Arashi's Album Review
Albums are big ticket items in Japan, so if you already bought a single included the rest of it should be worthwhile. I wanted to get AKB48's but I already bought most of the singles included, so I am considering waiting for the next one and skipping singles. I bought one of the singles included on Arashi's album. Limited editions are hard to get on CDJapan, so I got regular edition and the packaging sucked. I could of made it at home and there wasn't any bonus to sweeten it for me. I guess I got spoiled by AKB48 and SKE48's add-ons. Anyway, let's get to it.
AKB48 - ここにいたこと [We Were Here]
The artwork is fun, but I don't see how it relates to the title or the feel of the music. Some of the members look great, but others not as much. The DVD version has my favorite cover because it includes so many members. I don't care for the school-girl cover with only three members. For an AKB album I think it should at least try to fit media senbatsu.
ここにいたこと (AKB48, SKE48, SDN48, and NMB48)
Interesting way to start things off. It is a choir song, which was probably the easiest way to incorporate so many girls. I was worried at first that this was going to be on the dull side, but with the multiple layers it has a nice pace.
ヘビーローテーション {single}
This song grew on me a ton over the year. This will forever be a favorite of mine, not just from their catalog. I like how they placed this song after the first track to pick things up.
ポニーテールとシュシュ {single}
This was an instant hit for me. I adore the instrumental and it makes a fun summer song. It seems like the album will be organized by sections.
Beginner {single}
Since they sectioned the songs off I guess there wasn't much to help this, but it would of been nice to have a smoother transition to this hard-hitting track.
チャンスの順番 {single}
This is my least favorite single included in this album. I find that it is too generic.
チームB推し (Team B) {stage}
If you didn't know anything about this song, you would be very confused why this is included but no equivalent from the other teams. This was the highest voted group song from a stage in the Top 100. I assume that is why it was included. I absolutely adore this song. It is tons of fun and I always want to sing along.
High school days (Research Students)
I like the song, but I am on the fence on the chorus.
イイカゲンのススメ (Katayama Haruka, Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko, Akimoto Sayaka, Miyazawa Sae, and Matsui Rena)
I feel like this song switches the style. It flows well though. This is my favorite unit song from this album.
君と僕の関係 (Maeda Atsuko and Itano Tomomi)
This is a cute duet. Now I know some people were upset about this, but since they both have solo careers they could graduate soon. Besides they make a good combo.
人魚のバカンス (Takajo Aki, Nito Moeno, Yokoyama Yui, Kasai Tomomi, Kitahara Rie, Sato Amina, and Masuda Yuka)
I think this song is great if you are reading a book, curled up in a blanket while it is snowing outside or tanning by the pool. It is quite chill and relaxing.
わがままコレクション (Ota Aika, Maeda Ami, Komori Mika, Sato Sumire, Watanbe Mayu, and Matsui Jurina)
Here comes the loli song! The chorus gets a bit tired after a while because it isn't anything special.
風の行方 (Kuramochi Asuka, Sashihara Rino, Takahashi Minami, Oshima Yuko, Minegishi Minami, and Kashiwagi Yuki)
Slow songs are usually boring for me unless they have something unique about it. It is pretty, but I want to fall asleep to it.
恋愛サーカス (Team B)
The verses are fun, but the chorus again is okay.
僕にできること (Team K)
I'm disappointed. All the team songs are very pop, and I was hoping for something to dance to. This is more mature than Team B's song. It reminds me of songs from previous Team K stages.
Overtake (Team A)
少女たちよ {DOCUMENTARY of AKB48 to be continued Theme}
It isn't anything expected from AKB48 senbatsu members. It is a nice way to end the album.
Average Score (rounded): ♥♥♥♥
嵐 (Arashi) - Beautiful World
The artwork is simple, and boring. Their last album has much better look to it, even though I didn't love what everyone was wearing. They did do better in that everyone is wearing the same thing. It is them in white against a white background. The background takes up more space than all members combined. I do like the mixing of text.
Rock this
Not off to the best start. 'Are we going to rock this?' I don't know yet, but I prefer you don't ask right away. I really loved their last album, don't disappoint me.
This is a pretty solid Arashi song. It isn't one of my favorites, but I dislike it either.
Lφve Rainbow {single}
This is a great song and I just like to sway to it.
It has a nice little bounce to it. This is a reason why I look forward to their albums, more songs that you may like as much or more than their singles. I am choreographing the dance in my head. I always love where they vary the song so that it has something like a climax.
Shake it !(Jun Matsumoto)
I am always curious why they place the songs in their order because they also mix in the solos. I loved MatsuJun's last solo, but not so much live. It is okay. However, leave it up to the rap section for me to like the song more (fine I'll give it another heart).
虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~
It reminds me of songs from the 90's.
Dear Snow {single}
This is a good ballad.
Hung up on(Satoshi Ohno)
I really like this dance song.
This makes me think of S Club 7. I like the ending sections better than the rest of the song.
どこにでもある唄。(Kazunari Ninomiya)
This is lovely ballad.
Now this is great. It is a slow song with a pretty quick tempo. It is similar to songs that were on their last album.
I loved this song when I it was first released, but it has gradually worn off. Now I still like it, but it is not on the same level as Monster or Troublemaker.
「じゃなくて」(Masaki Aiba)
Aibaka gets a goofy song. I love Aiba, but the song itself. . . meh.
morning light
A house style song? This would be fun to jump around to at a concert.
To be free
Jeez, I only like their songs until we come towards the end. They build up the song nicely.
このままもっと (Sho Sakurai)
果てない空 {single}
I wasn't impressed with this track as a single.
The vocals are typical Arashi-style, but there is a disco elements in the instrumental and then they added an orchestra. Another nice ending to an album.
Average Score (rounded): ♥♥♥♥
AKB48 - ここにいたこと [We Were Here]
The artwork is fun, but I don't see how it relates to the title or the feel of the music. Some of the members look great, but others not as much. The DVD version has my favorite cover because it includes so many members. I don't care for the school-girl cover with only three members. For an AKB album I think it should at least try to fit media senbatsu.
ここにいたこと (AKB48, SKE48, SDN48, and NMB48)
Interesting way to start things off. It is a choir song, which was probably the easiest way to incorporate so many girls. I was worried at first that this was going to be on the dull side, but with the multiple layers it has a nice pace.

This song grew on me a ton over the year. This will forever be a favorite of mine, not just from their catalog. I like how they placed this song after the first track to pick things up.
ポニーテールとシュシュ {single}
This was an instant hit for me. I adore the instrumental and it makes a fun summer song. It seems like the album will be organized by sections.
Beginner {single}
Since they sectioned the songs off I guess there wasn't much to help this, but it would of been nice to have a smoother transition to this hard-hitting track.
チャンスの順番 {single}
This is my least favorite single included in this album. I find that it is too generic.
チームB推し (Team B) {stage}
If you didn't know anything about this song, you would be very confused why this is included but no equivalent from the other teams. This was the highest voted group song from a stage in the Top 100. I assume that is why it was included. I absolutely adore this song. It is tons of fun and I always want to sing along.
High school days (Research Students)
I like the song, but I am on the fence on the chorus.
イイカゲンのススメ (Katayama Haruka, Kojima Haruna, Shinoda Mariko, Akimoto Sayaka, Miyazawa Sae, and Matsui Rena)
I feel like this song switches the style. It flows well though. This is my favorite unit song from this album.
君と僕の関係 (Maeda Atsuko and Itano Tomomi)
This is a cute duet. Now I know some people were upset about this, but since they both have solo careers they could graduate soon. Besides they make a good combo.
人魚のバカンス (Takajo Aki, Nito Moeno, Yokoyama Yui, Kasai Tomomi, Kitahara Rie, Sato Amina, and Masuda Yuka)
I think this song is great if you are reading a book, curled up in a blanket while it is snowing outside or tanning by the pool. It is quite chill and relaxing.
わがままコレクション (Ota Aika, Maeda Ami, Komori Mika, Sato Sumire, Watanbe Mayu, and Matsui Jurina)
Here comes the loli song! The chorus gets a bit tired after a while because it isn't anything special.
風の行方 (Kuramochi Asuka, Sashihara Rino, Takahashi Minami, Oshima Yuko, Minegishi Minami, and Kashiwagi Yuki)
Slow songs are usually boring for me unless they have something unique about it. It is pretty, but I want to fall asleep to it.
恋愛サーカス (Team B)
The verses are fun, but the chorus again is okay.
僕にできること (Team K)
I'm disappointed. All the team songs are very pop, and I was hoping for something to dance to. This is more mature than Team B's song. It reminds me of songs from previous Team K stages.
Overtake (Team A)
少女たちよ {DOCUMENTARY of AKB48 to be continued Theme}
It isn't anything expected from AKB48 senbatsu members. It is a nice way to end the album.
Average Score (rounded): ♥♥♥♥
嵐 (Arashi) - Beautiful World
The artwork is simple, and boring. Their last album has much better look to it, even though I didn't love what everyone was wearing. They did do better in that everyone is wearing the same thing. It is them in white against a white background. The background takes up more space than all members combined. I do like the mixing of text.
Rock this
Not off to the best start. 'Are we going to rock this?' I don't know yet, but I prefer you don't ask right away. I really loved their last album, don't disappoint me.
This is a pretty solid Arashi song. It isn't one of my favorites, but I dislike it either.
Lφve Rainbow {single}
This is a great song and I just like to sway to it.
It has a nice little bounce to it. This is a reason why I look forward to their albums, more songs that you may like as much or more than their singles. I am choreographing the dance in my head. I always love where they vary the song so that it has something like a climax.
Shake it !(Jun Matsumoto)
I am always curious why they place the songs in their order because they also mix in the solos. I loved MatsuJun's last solo, but not so much live. It is okay. However, leave it up to the rap section for me to like the song more (fine I'll give it another heart).
虹のカケラ~no rain, no rainbow~
It reminds me of songs from the 90's.
Dear Snow {single}
This is a good ballad.
Hung up on(Satoshi Ohno)
I really like this dance song.
This makes me think of S Club 7. I like the ending sections better than the rest of the song.
どこにでもある唄。(Kazunari Ninomiya)
This is lovely ballad.
Now this is great. It is a slow song with a pretty quick tempo. It is similar to songs that were on their last album.
I loved this song when I it was first released, but it has gradually worn off. Now I still like it, but it is not on the same level as Monster or Troublemaker.
「じゃなくて」(Masaki Aiba)
Aibaka gets a goofy song. I love Aiba, but the song itself. . . meh.
morning light
A house style song? This would be fun to jump around to at a concert.
To be free
Jeez, I only like their songs until we come towards the end. They build up the song nicely.
このままもっと (Sho Sakurai)
果てない空 {single}
I wasn't impressed with this track as a single.
The vocals are typical Arashi-style, but there is a disco elements in the instrumental and then they added an orchestra. Another nice ending to an album.
Average Score (rounded): ♥♥♥♥
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Mina's Favorite Idol Soloist
This is a hard one because it depends on when period of time I am considering. If I go way back, Seiko Matsuda. However, a bit more recent is Aya Matsuura but I didn't love her latest album and she isn't as active as she used to be. (Plus is she an idol anymore?) I like Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, but I'm not going to consider them solo artists because they still are members of AKB48. Goto Maki just went on hiatus and besides she is trying to be a legit artist so I don't think I can consider her an idol. Hello Project is working on a new girl who is talented, but her singles haven't impressed me yet. There are K-Pop idols, but they belong to groups still so they are out too. I love Mai Mai's personality, look, and voice. It is just I am unimpressed with Avex and her agency. She was definitely the most promising solo artist to come out of AKB48 when she graduated, but I've yet to see her reach her full potential.
This is a hard one because it depends on when period of time I am considering. If I go way back, Seiko Matsuda. However, a bit more recent is Aya Matsuura but I didn't love her latest album and she isn't as active as she used to be. (Plus is she an idol anymore?) I like Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, but I'm not going to consider them solo artists because they still are members of AKB48. Goto Maki just went on hiatus and besides she is trying to be a legit artist so I don't think I can consider her an idol. Hello Project is working on a new girl who is talented, but her singles haven't impressed me yet. There are K-Pop idols, but they belong to groups still so they are out too. I love Mai Mai's personality, look, and voice. It is just I am unimpressed with Avex and her agency. She was definitely the most promising solo artist to come out of AKB48 when she graduated, but I've yet to see her reach her full potential.
Idols' Sex Appeal and Other Topics
AKB48 and Pictorials
One thing I was excited about when I came to Japan is that I would be able to purchase magazines that AKB48 appeared in. Besides Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, most of those appearances are in clearly male-targeted media. And for those girls who wish to see the photo spreads of their idols, purchasing a copy is not worth it. Often in thick, guy manga books (way to thick for me to consider it a magazine) there will be a couple of pages and maybe a small interview column at the front.
However I got over the disappointment that they appear in men's magazines and not many female-orientated content. I bet that is exactly why people think they don't have any female fans. May I suggest a comparison? Japan has a lot of boy bands too, which do you think has more of the same-gender fans? Another thing that comforted me, is that the guys are also used for their fans' enjoyment (shirts with the nipple cut outs, cross dressing, tight pants, and other things). . .
'If We Aren't #1 on Oricon' Ultimatums
Two new idol groups have both used (or are currently using) this ploy to guarantee high CD sales. This crosses the line for me between good marketing and abusing fans. One reason why I still purchase the physical CDs (only Japanese though) is because they come with extras like with a DVD, a photo, and other things. It makes paying the price worthwhile. Besides, I want to support the artist. Before I didn't think much would come of it. However, NMB48's sales went up towards the end of the week and that rubbed me the wrong way. I want my idols to deserve it, not pressure their obsessive fans to buy more. Plus, it just provides anti-fans evidence that they aren't actually popular but their fans buy a ton of copies. I was planning on grabbing a copy of NMB48's first single because the songs were pretty good and I was impressed by their first stage. However, I am now on the fence by this cheap shot. I know the girls don't have much power when it comes to these decisions. It has also turned me against PASSPO. I thought with their debut single release hitting number one that I should direct some attention to them. But I think not. It takes away the warm, happy feeling when they do succeed. If they do hit number one again, it won't impress me. I would actually be disappointed in their fans who are okay with being so obviously used by their management.
What Crosses the Sexy | Slutty Line?
The Health Concern of Idols
We've heard about it when variety programs have tell-all specials with Morning Musume's OG. There has been recent reports about AKB48 members becoming ill during fan events and concerts. The top female idol group have it tough during their peak. We probably don't know the true extent till it is all over. (Morning Musume members talking about memory lost performing with a fever.) So do we accept it as part of the industry trying to fill the demand, or should idols take breaks when they get sick to rest? My concern is that being overworked will lead to bigger problems, or at least poor performance and more likely to become ill again. Personally, I do appreciate them trying to fight through it. However, when I heard about Acchan exerting herself to perform 'Flying Get' I wonder if I would be okay with her just sitting it out. AKB48 is big enough that I bet they have substitutes prepared. Mayu and Yui have filled in for Acchan while promoting singles. I bet there is someone who knows her part. I know it would disappoint fans during the concert, but they also care about their well-being.
What To Do About the Face of AKB48?
Maeda Atsuko, like I mentioned before, has a lot on her plate. She wants to become an actress and she has started a successful solo career. I think Akimoto should begin a shift, at least after the 24th janken single. I know that is soon, but I'm thinking slow and gradual is better than all of a sudden. The good news is that AKB48 is not as handicapped as Morning Musume is. Acchan is only the face of AKB48 and AKB does not give too many solo lines to anyone member. Takahashi Ai is basically the face and voice of Morning Musume, so Tsunku dug them in a bit of a whole. Then again, Akimoto might have already started turning the wheels. Remember Sasshi competing with Acchan in the blogosphere? So who is best to move into the center. We could move Oshima Yuko to the spot, at least as a transition. Oshima Yuko is the second most popular and has proven that she can hold her own. What Acchan has that Oshima lacks is a quiet, general appeal. Oshima is a bit too goofy and loud to be the next center, plus she is closer to the age limit than Acchan. Most of current senbatsu have their own character that is different than Acchan's. Mayuyu is probably the best groomed to be Acchan's replacement. She is younger, popular, and posses a broad appeal. Besides, is it fitting to have an anime otaku as the center of a group with Akihabara in the name. Then again, do we want to replace Acchan or should AKB48 take the opportunity to take their look in a different direction? All I'm saying is the longer we wait the worse this might get because can you see Acchan's popularity decreasing?
One thing I was excited about when I came to Japan is that I would be able to purchase magazines that AKB48 appeared in. Besides Itano Tomomi and Maeda Atsuko, most of those appearances are in clearly male-targeted media. And for those girls who wish to see the photo spreads of their idols, purchasing a copy is not worth it. Often in thick, guy manga books (way to thick for me to consider it a magazine) there will be a couple of pages and maybe a small interview column at the front.
However I got over the disappointment that they appear in men's magazines and not many female-orientated content. I bet that is exactly why people think they don't have any female fans. May I suggest a comparison? Japan has a lot of boy bands too, which do you think has more of the same-gender fans? Another thing that comforted me, is that the guys are also used for their fans' enjoyment (shirts with the nipple cut outs, cross dressing, tight pants, and other things). . .
'If We Aren't #1 on Oricon' Ultimatums
Two new idol groups have both used (or are currently using) this ploy to guarantee high CD sales. This crosses the line for me between good marketing and abusing fans. One reason why I still purchase the physical CDs (only Japanese though) is because they come with extras like with a DVD, a photo, and other things. It makes paying the price worthwhile. Besides, I want to support the artist. Before I didn't think much would come of it. However, NMB48's sales went up towards the end of the week and that rubbed me the wrong way. I want my idols to deserve it, not pressure their obsessive fans to buy more. Plus, it just provides anti-fans evidence that they aren't actually popular but their fans buy a ton of copies. I was planning on grabbing a copy of NMB48's first single because the songs were pretty good and I was impressed by their first stage. However, I am now on the fence by this cheap shot. I know the girls don't have much power when it comes to these decisions. It has also turned me against PASSPO. I thought with their debut single release hitting number one that I should direct some attention to them. But I think not. It takes away the warm, happy feeling when they do succeed. If they do hit number one again, it won't impress me. I would actually be disappointed in their fans who are okay with being so obviously used by their management.
What Crosses the Sexy | Slutty Line?
I added this video to one of my PV posts and was wondering if anyone watched it. And people accused AKB48 of being slutty in Heavy Rotation? So what makes this video go too far (at least in my opinion)? She is wearing more clothes than AKB48's Heavy Rotation and their swimsuit PVs. However, like I've said before it is not the amount of skin showing, well not all the time. (Dancing around nude or without covering up the main spots would cross the line.) I wouldn't even consider the AKB48 PVs sexy, but fun and playful. Well then what would I consider sexy that doesn't cross the line?
So what is the elements that cross the line? I think factors that contribute is her 'sex faces' and skimpy clothing, but that is not the main issue. The choreography is the problem. In BEG's music video they had sexy dance movements but they were small sections combined with other good dancing. Hyuna's non-sexualized choreography is her flaying about and hairography, using your hair to distract from poor dancing. Sexy dancing is perfectly fine by me, you see a lot of it in BoA's music video. However, Hyuna's is just vulgar. She pushes her boobs together with her upper arms while shaking her butt. She then does this move were she wipes her vagina, all you need is some toilet paper. We have the chorus section which is just her shaking her butt at the camera and gyrating. There are sections of her just standing in front of the camera doing 'oh look how sexy i am' face and other things during that (like the model collapse stomach pose). She just looks like she is trying to hard. I have nothing against being confident and sexy, but she is not doing it right. Reminder, this is my opinion I am not saying Hyuna is a slut. I'm saying that she is coming across, to me, in this video as slutty.
We've heard about it when variety programs have tell-all specials with Morning Musume's OG. There has been recent reports about AKB48 members becoming ill during fan events and concerts. The top female idol group have it tough during their peak. We probably don't know the true extent till it is all over. (Morning Musume members talking about memory lost performing with a fever.) So do we accept it as part of the industry trying to fill the demand, or should idols take breaks when they get sick to rest? My concern is that being overworked will lead to bigger problems, or at least poor performance and more likely to become ill again. Personally, I do appreciate them trying to fight through it. However, when I heard about Acchan exerting herself to perform 'Flying Get' I wonder if I would be okay with her just sitting it out. AKB48 is big enough that I bet they have substitutes prepared. Mayu and Yui have filled in for Acchan while promoting singles. I bet there is someone who knows her part. I know it would disappoint fans during the concert, but they also care about their well-being.
What To Do About the Face of AKB48?
Maeda Atsuko, like I mentioned before, has a lot on her plate. She wants to become an actress and she has started a successful solo career. I think Akimoto should begin a shift, at least after the 24th janken single. I know that is soon, but I'm thinking slow and gradual is better than all of a sudden. The good news is that AKB48 is not as handicapped as Morning Musume is. Acchan is only the face of AKB48 and AKB does not give too many solo lines to anyone member. Takahashi Ai is basically the face and voice of Morning Musume, so Tsunku dug them in a bit of a whole. Then again, Akimoto might have already started turning the wheels. Remember Sasshi competing with Acchan in the blogosphere? So who is best to move into the center. We could move Oshima Yuko to the spot, at least as a transition. Oshima Yuko is the second most popular and has proven that she can hold her own. What Acchan has that Oshima lacks is a quiet, general appeal. Oshima is a bit too goofy and loud to be the next center, plus she is closer to the age limit than Acchan. Most of current senbatsu have their own character that is different than Acchan's. Mayuyu is probably the best groomed to be Acchan's replacement. She is younger, popular, and posses a broad appeal. Besides, is it fitting to have an anime otaku as the center of a group with Akihabara in the name. Then again, do we want to replace Acchan or should AKB48 take the opportunity to take their look in a different direction? All I'm saying is the longer we wait the worse this might get because can you see Acchan's popularity decreasing?
Monday, July 25, 2011
An Idol's Voice that Mina Dislikes
I think she has an amazing voice when it comes to technical ability, but I just don't care for the sound of it. None the less, I still adore her and wished she never had graduated.
I think she has an amazing voice when it comes to technical ability, but I just don't care for the sound of it. None the less, I still adore her and wished she never had graduated.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Mina's Ideal 24th Janken Tournament Result
Since it is all based on luck it is kind of fun to think how you would like it to go. Last time I thought that this would also decide Theatre-girls and Undergirls line-up too. Unfortunately that wasn't true because I was excited about seeing that too. We may get another set of team songs as the third tracks. While the result didn't change the typical senbatsu line-up, but it did give the girls plenty of screen time. Uchida, the winner, got a major role in Majisuka Gakuen and was all over the news when the result came out. They also were featured in AKB48 shows like AKBingo!, got to promote the single, and film the PV. This is an amazing opportunity for an unknown face to get a taste of the limelight. In the comments you can mention who your ideal senbatsu would be or at least the center.
Sato Meiko VS Fujita Nana: Sato Meiko
Yonezawa Rumi VS Umeda Ayaka: Yonezawa Rumi
Umeda has DiVA.
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Izuta Rina: Kikuchi Ayaka
I think Izuta is cute and all, but Kikuchi has been around longer and has been in senbatsu before. She has a chance of sticking.
Shimazaki Haruka VS Fujie Reina: Shimazaki Haruka
This might be the hardest yet!
Oba Mina VS Kasai Tomomi: Kasai Tomomi
Kasai is older and is more likely to graduate sooner than Oba. This was another tough one. The only problem with this one is I would prefer it the other way unless I thought Kasai could get the center.
Nonaka Misato VS Sato Natsuki: Sato Natsuki
Nakatsuka Tomomi VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
I can not pass up Iwasa's talent.
Sato Sumire VS Nagao Mariya: Sato Sumire
Nakaya Sayaka VS Watanabe Mayu: Nakaya Sayaka
Yokoyama Yui VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Kuwabara Mizuki
God no!!!! Yui will probably be a regular member of senbatsu anyway.
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Tanabe Miku: Nito Moeno
Nito was kind of in a group with Takajo Aki, Kitahara Rie, and Sashihara Rino in my eyes, but she is the only one not in senbatsu.
Kobayashi Kana VS Oya Shizuka: Oya Shizuka
Takajo Aki VS Nakamata Shiori: Nakamata Shiori
This one is difficult. . .
Kojima Haruna VS Takahashi Minami: Kojima Haruna
Kojiharu is older.
Wakabayashi Tomoka VS Masuda Yuka: Masuda Yuka
She has the potential to become a regular senbatsu member.
Takeuchi Miyu VS Yamaguchi Yuuki: Takeuchi Miyu
Chikano Rina VS Shinoda Mariko: Shinoda Mariko
Suzuki Mariya VS Matsui Sakiko: Matsui Sakiko
Bracket D
Kuramochi Asuka VS Minegishi Minami: Minegishi Minami
Matsui Jurina VS Miyazawa Sae: Miyazawa Sae
Miyazaki Miho VS Yamauchi Suzuran: Miyazaki Miho
Ranran still has time, but Myao has been decreasing in rank.
Sato Amina VS Takeuchi Mai: Sato Amina
Katayama Haruka VS Iriyama Anna: Katayama Haruka
Pure talent wins.
Kitahara Rie VS Itano Tomomi: Kitahara Rie
Itano has a solo career, so she is set.
Oshima Yuko VS Maeda Ami: Maeda Ami
One of my favorite Undergirls PV is the one where Maeda is center.
Sashihara Rino VS Uchida Mayumi: Uchida Mayumi
Sasshi has a TV show, and she has risen in ranks. Plus, if Uchida wins a second time then it is destiny talking. Besides, I really like her.
Round 2 - Top 16
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Nakata Chisato: Hikawa Ayame
Ota Aika VS Akimoto Sayaka: Ota Aika
I guess I am going for a cute single.
Komori Mika VS Kobayashi Marina: Komori Mika
Sato Meiko VS Yonezawa Rumi: Yonezawa Rumi
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Shimazaki Haruka: Kikuchi Ayaka
Kasai Tomomi VS Sato Natsuki: Kasai Tomomi
Iwasa Misaki VS Sato Sumire: Iwasa Misaki
Nakaya Sayaka VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Kuwabara Mizuki
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Oya Shizuka: Nito Moeno
Nakamata Shiori VS Kojima Haruna: Nakamata Shiori
Takeuchi Miyu VS Masuda Yuka: Masuda Yuka
Shinoda Mariko VS Matsui Sakiko: Shinoda Mariko
Bracket D
Minegishi Minami VS Miyazawa Sae: Minegishi Minami
Miyazaki Miho VS Sato Amina: Sato Amina
Katayama Haruka VS Kitahara Rie: Kitahara Rie
Maeda Ami VS Uchida Mayumi: Maeda Ami
Round 3 -Top 8
This round becomes more of who I like better, and less who I would like to see more of.
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Ota Aika: Ota Aika
Komori Mika VS Yonezawa Rumi: Komori Mika
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Kasai Tomomi: Kasai Tomomi
Iwasa Misaki VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Iwasa Misaki
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Nakamata Shiori: Nito Moeno
Masuda Yuka VS Shinoda Mariko: Shinoda Mariko
Bracket D
Minegishi Minami VS Sato Amina: Minegishi Minami
Kitahara Rie VS Maeda Ami: Maeda Ami
Round 4 - Top 4
Now I start thinking about the line up.
Bracket A Winner:
Ota Aika VS Komori Mika: Komori Mika
Bracket B Winner:
Kasai Tomomi VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
Kasai is closer to the center than she usually would be, but for someone like Iwasa the closer she is to the center the more needed attention she'll get. Kasai is already known by common fans; Iwasa is not.
Bracket C Winner:
Nito Moeno VS Shinoda Mariko: Nito Moeno
Bracket D Winner:
Minegishi Minami VS Maeda Ami: Minegishi Minami
Round 5
Now I am considering what kind of song Akimoto would make based on who is the center and closest to the top.
Komori Mika VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
Nito Moeno VS Minegishi Minami: Minegishi Minami
Nito Moeno VS Komori Mika: Nito Moeno
Center Round
Minegishi Minami VS Iwasa Misaki: Minegishi Minami
1. Minegishi Minami
2. Iwasa Misaki
3. Nito Moeno
The nice thing about this result is that higher senbatsu are relatively known members but none are, with the exception of Mariko-sama, media senbatsu. I was thinking something dark because Moeno is a bad-ass, Iwasa has some mad vocals, and Minegishi as a Team K member can play the cool role and can dance. Komori Mika also can be sexy and cool, as seen by her B5 unit. The perfect center would be Minegishi Minami. She is all about screen-time. What better thing than her winning center. She has been senbatsu since the beginning, but she has dropped out of media senbatsu. You could also do a ballad or a goofy track.
Mina's Senbatsu:
1. Minegishi Minami
2. Iwasa Misaki
3. Nito Moeno
4. Komori Mika
5. Kasai Tomomi
6. Maeda Ami
7. Ota Aika
8. Shinoda Mariko
9. Kikuchi Ayaka
10. Kuwabara Mizuki
11. Sato Amina
12. Kitahara Rie
13. Masuda Yuka
14. Nakamata Shiori
15. Yonezawa Rumi
16. Hikawa Ayame
If you would like to see how I came to this conclusion, continue after the break for a round by round break down.
Preliminary Round
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Nakamura Mariko: Hikawa Ayame
She is an NMB48 trainee, but she'll probably be in the Team M when they form it. She looks like a cross between Kashiwagi Yuki and Nito Moeno.
Hirajima Natsumi VS Mori Anna: Hirajima Natsumi
This one was really hard! Hirajima is always an Undergirl and she is a 1st generation member of AKB48. I would like to see more of her, but Mori is a member of Team 4 and I don't know much about her yet. I like how she smiles like Kimoto Kanon.
Bracket B
Kashiwagi Yuki VS Kikuchi Ayaka: Kikuchi Ayaka
Yukirin moved up to third in the General Election, so it is time to give another favorite of mine a shot.
Nakatsuka Tomomi VS Ichikawa Miori: Nakatsuka Tomomi
Nakatsuka made senbatsu at the last tournament, but I would still like to see her get more attention. Miorin doesn't need help climbing up the ladder.
Bracket C
Ishida Haruka VS Nito Moeno: Nito Moeno
Moeno is a bad-ass! I still am suspicious of Ishida since the rumor came out that she is a diva backstage so the staff dislike her. In the overseas photobook from this year she looked bored and a bit like a diva in the pictures.
Matsubara Natsumi VS Wakabayashi Tomoka: Wakabayashi Tomoka
While I do prefer members of AKB48 to be in the AKB48 single, this would be a good opportunity for her to move up within SKE48. She can play cute or sexy.
Bracket D
Shimada Haruka VS Kuramochi Asuka: Kuramochi Asuka
Round 1
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Nakagawa Haruka: Hikawa Ayame
I am curious.
Nakata Chisato VS Yogi Keira: Nakata Chisato
I don't know anything about the other girl, but I would prefer a full-fledged member over a trainee. Plus, I like Nakata.
Suzuki Shihori VS Ota Aika: Ota Aika
While I would like to see more of the giant Suzuki, I want to see more of Lovetan more.
Akimoto Sayaka VS Maeda Atsuko: Akimoto Sayaka
Acchan is my third favorite member, but she has been having difficulty with everything on her plate. There has been reports of her becoming ill. She has a solo career, being the regular center of AKB, and a drama to deal with. It would be nice for her to have a break. Besides that, Sayaka is a hard worker and really talented. She definitely deserve to be more in the spotlight.
Hirajima Natsumi VS Komori Mika: Komori Mika
Shimada Rena VS Kobayashi Marina: Kobayashi Marina
Yonezawa Rumi VS Umeda Ayaka: Yonezawa Rumi
Umeda has DiVA.
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Izuta Rina: Kikuchi Ayaka
I think Izuta is cute and all, but Kikuchi has been around longer and has been in senbatsu before. She has a chance of sticking.
Shimazaki Haruka VS Fujie Reina: Shimazaki Haruka
This might be the hardest yet!
Oba Mina VS Kasai Tomomi: Kasai Tomomi
Kasai is older and is more likely to graduate sooner than Oba. This was another tough one. The only problem with this one is I would prefer it the other way unless I thought Kasai could get the center.
Nonaka Misato VS Sato Natsuki: Sato Natsuki
Nakatsuka Tomomi VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
I can not pass up Iwasa's talent.
Sato Sumire VS Nagao Mariya: Sato Sumire
Nakaya Sayaka VS Watanabe Mayu: Nakaya Sayaka
Yokoyama Yui VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Kuwabara Mizuki
God no!!!! Yui will probably be a regular member of senbatsu anyway.
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Tanabe Miku: Nito Moeno
Nito was kind of in a group with Takajo Aki, Kitahara Rie, and Sashihara Rino in my eyes, but she is the only one not in senbatsu.
Kobayashi Kana VS Oya Shizuka: Oya Shizuka
Takajo Aki VS Nakamata Shiori: Nakamata Shiori
This one is difficult. . .
Kojima Haruna VS Takahashi Minami: Kojima Haruna
Kojiharu is older.
Wakabayashi Tomoka VS Masuda Yuka: Masuda Yuka
She has the potential to become a regular senbatsu member.
Takeuchi Miyu VS Yamaguchi Yuuki: Takeuchi Miyu
Chikano Rina VS Shinoda Mariko: Shinoda Mariko
Suzuki Mariya VS Matsui Sakiko: Matsui Sakiko
Bracket D
Kuramochi Asuka VS Minegishi Minami: Minegishi Minami
Matsui Jurina VS Miyazawa Sae: Miyazawa Sae
Miyazaki Miho VS Yamauchi Suzuran: Miyazaki Miho
Ranran still has time, but Myao has been decreasing in rank.
Sato Amina VS Takeuchi Mai: Sato Amina
Katayama Haruka VS Iriyama Anna: Katayama Haruka
Pure talent wins.
Kitahara Rie VS Itano Tomomi: Kitahara Rie
Itano has a solo career, so she is set.
Oshima Yuko VS Maeda Ami: Maeda Ami
One of my favorite Undergirls PV is the one where Maeda is center.
Sashihara Rino VS Uchida Mayumi: Uchida Mayumi
Sasshi has a TV show, and she has risen in ranks. Plus, if Uchida wins a second time then it is destiny talking. Besides, I really like her.
Round 2 - Top 16
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Nakata Chisato: Hikawa Ayame
Ota Aika VS Akimoto Sayaka: Ota Aika
I guess I am going for a cute single.
Komori Mika VS Kobayashi Marina: Komori Mika
Sato Meiko VS Yonezawa Rumi: Yonezawa Rumi
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Shimazaki Haruka: Kikuchi Ayaka
Kasai Tomomi VS Sato Natsuki: Kasai Tomomi
Iwasa Misaki VS Sato Sumire: Iwasa Misaki
Nakaya Sayaka VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Kuwabara Mizuki
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Oya Shizuka: Nito Moeno
Nakamata Shiori VS Kojima Haruna: Nakamata Shiori
Takeuchi Miyu VS Masuda Yuka: Masuda Yuka
Shinoda Mariko VS Matsui Sakiko: Shinoda Mariko
Bracket D
Minegishi Minami VS Miyazawa Sae: Minegishi Minami
Miyazaki Miho VS Sato Amina: Sato Amina
Katayama Haruka VS Kitahara Rie: Kitahara Rie
Maeda Ami VS Uchida Mayumi: Maeda Ami
Round 3 -Top 8
This round becomes more of who I like better, and less who I would like to see more of.
Bracket A
Hikawa Ayame VS Ota Aika: Ota Aika
Komori Mika VS Yonezawa Rumi: Komori Mika
Bracket B
Kikuchi Ayaka VS Kasai Tomomi: Kasai Tomomi
Iwasa Misaki VS Kuwabara Mizuki: Iwasa Misaki
Bracket C
Nito Moeno VS Nakamata Shiori: Nito Moeno
Masuda Yuka VS Shinoda Mariko: Shinoda Mariko
Bracket D
Minegishi Minami VS Sato Amina: Minegishi Minami
Kitahara Rie VS Maeda Ami: Maeda Ami
Round 4 - Top 4
Now I start thinking about the line up.
Bracket A Winner:
Ota Aika VS Komori Mika: Komori Mika
Bracket B Winner:
Kasai Tomomi VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
Kasai is closer to the center than she usually would be, but for someone like Iwasa the closer she is to the center the more needed attention she'll get. Kasai is already known by common fans; Iwasa is not.
Bracket C Winner:
Nito Moeno VS Shinoda Mariko: Nito Moeno
Bracket D Winner:
Minegishi Minami VS Maeda Ami: Minegishi Minami
Round 5
Now I am considering what kind of song Akimoto would make based on who is the center and closest to the top.
Komori Mika VS Iwasa Misaki: Iwasa Misaki
Nito Moeno VS Minegishi Minami: Minegishi Minami
Nito Moeno VS Komori Mika: Nito Moeno
Center Round
Minegishi Minami VS Iwasa Misaki: Minegishi Minami
1. Minegishi Minami
2. Iwasa Misaki
3. Nito Moeno
The nice thing about this result is that higher senbatsu are relatively known members but none are, with the exception of Mariko-sama, media senbatsu. I was thinking something dark because Moeno is a bad-ass, Iwasa has some mad vocals, and Minegishi as a Team K member can play the cool role and can dance. Komori Mika also can be sexy and cool, as seen by her B5 unit. The perfect center would be Minegishi Minami. She is all about screen-time. What better thing than her winning center. She has been senbatsu since the beginning, but she has dropped out of media senbatsu. You could also do a ballad or a goofy track.
Mina's Favorite Idol's Voice
I don't have much to say about this one. I just really like the sound of her singing voice. It reminds me of a lion, so I call it a roar. Other idols I was consider were Kojima Haruna, Akimoto Sayaka, Itano Tomomi, Maeda Atsuko, Matsuda Seiko, and Suzuki Airi.
I don't have much to say about this one. I just really like the sound of her singing voice. It reminds me of a lion, so I call it a roar. Other idols I was consider were Kojima Haruna, Akimoto Sayaka, Itano Tomomi, Maeda Atsuko, Matsuda Seiko, and Suzuki Airi.
Natsu DAKARA! 『夏ダカラ!』 - Buono!
Singer : Buono! (Tsugunaga Momoko, Natsuyaki Miyabi, Suzuki Airi)
itsumo itsudatte doko ni ita toshite mo
subete PURASU ni kaete miseru nante ieru natsu dakara!
([Mo/Mi]blue blue blue sky) negau yo
([Mo/Mi]blue blue sunshine) ashita wo
([Mo/Mi]blue blue blue sky blue blue sunshine)
kono mune no moya moya tachi nyuudougumo no you ni
ame wo sasoi nakidashi sou da yo
hisashiburi da ne DORAIBU anata nani ka wo kanjite
kaze ni tonjauyo fuusen
mou chanto motto kitsuku nigirishimete
itsumo itsudatte (dakara) doko ni ita toshite mo (dakara)
sora wo miagete omou koto wa issho de itai yo ne (natsu dakara)
anata furimuite (dakara) doko ni ita toshite mo (dakara)
kimi no mirai wo mitsumete iru kono Cocoro wa sora ni aru
([Mo/Ai]blue blue blue sky) omoi wa
([Mo/Ai]blue blue sunshine) hitotsu sa
([Mo/Ai]blue blue blue sky blue blue sunshine)
atte kara JUU-GO fun de nanka otona ni nacchatta yo
omou koto no hanbun mo iezu ni
jama wo shitakunai kimochi to
aa jama shitai kimochi tatakatteta
itsumo itsudatte (dakara) doko ni ita toshite mo (dakara)
kaze ni fukarete omou koto wa issho de itai yo ne (natsu dakara)
watashi doushita no (dakara) konna wagamama dakke? (dakara)
iya na onna ni nacchaisou kono Cocoro wa natsu dakara?
("anata ga inaito watashi ja irarenai
anata ga inaito watashi janaku naru
anata ga inaito iki ga dekinai")
jama wo shitakunai kimochi to
jama shitai kimochi tatakatteta
itsumo itsudatte (dakara) doko ni ita toshite mo (dakara)
sora de KUROORU shitai kurai waratte itai yo ne (natsu dakara)
konya mikadzuki ni (dakara) futari koshikaketara (dakara)
yurari yurarete asayake made kono Cocoro wa natsu dakara?
([Mi/Ai]blue blue blue sky) omoi wa
([Mi/Ai]blue blue sunshine) hitotsu sa
([Mi/Ai]blue blue blue sky blue blue sunshine)
Single : Natsu DAKARA!
Lyric : Miura Yoshiko (三浦徳子)
Kanji Source :
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Mina's Favorite Pairing
I love pairings! There are so many, but this one stuck out as the best. There is so much footage and giggles when it comes to Arashi's Ohno and Nino's relationship. There are plenty of small examples too, just looks or them messing with each other while other things are going on.
Other Pairings:
Matsujun and Leader
Tomo and Tomo
Sae and Yukirin
Mikitty and Yossie
Rika and Yossie
Manami and Mariko
Mariyagi and Yui
Acchan and Mii-chan
Matsujun and Gackt
Ayaya and Mikitty
Aibaka and Matsujun
Meetan and Manami
Yuko and Acchan
TwinTowers (Sayaka and Sae)
Tomo and Sae
Sasshi and Lovetan
I love pairings! There are so many, but this one stuck out as the best. There is so much footage and giggles when it comes to Arashi's Ohno and Nino's relationship. There are plenty of small examples too, just looks or them messing with each other while other things are going on.
Other Pairings:
Matsujun and Leader
Tomo and Tomo
Sae and Yukirin
Mikitty and Yossie
Rika and Yossie
Manami and Mariko
Mariyagi and Yui
Acchan and Mii-chan
Matsujun and Gackt
Ayaya and Mikitty
Aibaka and Matsujun
Meetan and Manami
Yuko and Acchan
TwinTowers (Sayaka and Sae)
Tomo and Sae
Sasshi and Lovetan
Initial Feelings on Seeing God
Just time for a quick note here. I just got back from the AKB48 Seibu Dome show and I am exhausted. I left for the show about 2pm and I just got back to the hotel at just before midnight. I was wondering why the show was scheduled so early at 5pm. I was expecting to be done by seven at the latest.
The show lasted nearly four hours. The stage was a four story building of the outside of a school. There was an operable basketball court and an actual swimming pool on the stage. Some members rode in a giant play bus. Sayaka rode a bicycle across the stage it was so long. I had an amazingly great seat. I could see most everything well and often the ladies were quite close to me. I was on the floor of the arena in the first row of my section. Just to the right of my section was a smaller stage right in the middle of the arena floor. Walkways let the ladies access this stage and two smaller ones located behind me. Many numbers had some of the ladies on the stage near me, and everyone came fairly close. I trembled in the presence of my god Watanabe Mayu. Really, I had chills down my spine when I first saw her in person and realized the light photons that came from her flesh were directly stimulating the receptors in my eyes. How intimate.
This was a mega show with small parts from SND48, SKE48 and NMB48. There were flames, fountains, smoke, fireworks, and lasers. It was the most awesome spectacle I have ever witnessed. Several songs had more than a hundred ladies performing as all attending were involved. The encore included performing all of the Majisuka Gakuen related songs with the ladies dressed in character. I jumped and shouted with joy when I saw my favorite television characters dancing and singing before me. It was awesome.
This may be the best day of my life. I am certainly happier than when my child was born. I am much happier than when I finally killed that child (really, it was a great day. I had learned the child was the anti-christ and I had been in a seven year struggled for the fate of the planet. I finally did save the world, and it felt great finally ending that evil creature. It is a long story...). Only being able to speak to and touch Watanabe would have made the night better. Oh- to touch the hand of god would have been amazing.
I need to eat. I haven’t eaten since three. Well, I snacked on the candy AKB48 is flogging. At least it tastes pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I have to buy it because it comes with a little toy and Watanabe’s picture on the toy box.
The show lasted nearly four hours. The stage was a four story building of the outside of a school. There was an operable basketball court and an actual swimming pool on the stage. Some members rode in a giant play bus. Sayaka rode a bicycle across the stage it was so long. I had an amazingly great seat. I could see most everything well and often the ladies were quite close to me. I was on the floor of the arena in the first row of my section. Just to the right of my section was a smaller stage right in the middle of the arena floor. Walkways let the ladies access this stage and two smaller ones located behind me. Many numbers had some of the ladies on the stage near me, and everyone came fairly close. I trembled in the presence of my god Watanabe Mayu. Really, I had chills down my spine when I first saw her in person and realized the light photons that came from her flesh were directly stimulating the receptors in my eyes. How intimate.
This was a mega show with small parts from SND48, SKE48 and NMB48. There were flames, fountains, smoke, fireworks, and lasers. It was the most awesome spectacle I have ever witnessed. Several songs had more than a hundred ladies performing as all attending were involved. The encore included performing all of the Majisuka Gakuen related songs with the ladies dressed in character. I jumped and shouted with joy when I saw my favorite television characters dancing and singing before me. It was awesome.
This may be the best day of my life. I am certainly happier than when my child was born. I am much happier than when I finally killed that child (really, it was a great day. I had learned the child was the anti-christ and I had been in a seven year struggled for the fate of the planet. I finally did save the world, and it felt great finally ending that evil creature. It is a long story...). Only being able to speak to and touch Watanabe would have made the night better. Oh- to touch the hand of god would have been amazing.
I need to eat. I haven’t eaten since three. Well, I snacked on the candy AKB48 is flogging. At least it tastes pretty good. Not great, but pretty good. I have to buy it because it comes with a little toy and Watanabe’s picture on the toy box.

Friday, July 22, 2011
Mina's Favorite Sub-Unit
I'm not the biggest fan of sub-units on their own. It is great to see more individual attention for members, but I don't follow them as closely. I would of said Buono! but recently their singles have been meh. I am also a pretty big fan of No Sleeves and Watarirouka Hashiritai 7. However, I love DiVA. They are just so talented and have a cool image instead of the typical idol look. Their singles have been okay thus far, but nothing that I really wanted to purchase. (I've bought No Sleeves's album and a single from French Kiss and Watarirouka Hashiritai 7.)
I'm not the biggest fan of sub-units on their own. It is great to see more individual attention for members, but I don't follow them as closely. I would of said Buono! but recently their singles have been meh. I am also a pretty big fan of No Sleeves and Watarirouka Hashiritai 7. However, I love DiVA. They are just so talented and have a cool image instead of the typical idol look. Their singles have been okay thus far, but nothing that I really wanted to purchase. (I've bought No Sleeves's album and a single from French Kiss and Watarirouka Hashiritai 7.)
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