Saturday, July 31, 2010

A6: Mokugekisha (目撃者) Review

K6 took a little while to grow on me, but I don't think I'll enjoy this anytime soon. (I can be a bit harsh if I am disappointed.)  It is hard because I expect so much because of past stages. I know if I don't care for the units section I won't love the stage.  Oh by the way, why does everyone except me hate B5? I've watched it at least seven times now and I still adore it.  It is fun, the music is good, and the units are great. I know people hate the usual idol songs, but. . . why do you listen to their music then? I like the girls and the music. It can be typical or not. I don't care. I like what I like, and if it is unique then I like it even more.  Update: I want to love everything, so when I don't I get upset.  I enjoy listening to the stage.
Miniskirt No Yosei-
I have to say the audience is kind of rowdy tonight, which makes the background noise a bit funny.  This is the best unit yet for the trainees.  I've watched the trainee performance of B5 and didn't care for it.  You can tell that they are not members yet.  This is a typical idol song, but it is more entertaining than the slow loli unit they had for K6.  The other was more unique and interesting, but I get bored after the first 30 seconds.
The video they play at the start of the stage is too long for my short attention span.  I believe that is partly because I don't know why they are doing it.  I get that it is setting up for the song, but I just think why.  I love the song, and it is not something you expect from them.  I actually like the coats, plus you have to keep in mind they need to hide at least two more costumes under it.  The tone for this stage is more intense and serious than A5.  A5 was light and pretty, like a vanilla cake.  However, a vanilla cake can be boring.  I want a flourless, chocolate, lava cake . . . with some vanilla ice cream on top.
Zenjin Mitou-
I've always wondered how well you can see the girls considering how dark they keep it.  The track is good.  Unfortunately, the choreography and costumes don't add to it.  They need to add something more to it.  It'll be fine if they have another showstopper number in the first section.  Two serious songs though; they need to lighten things up.
Ibitsu Na Shinju-
Costumes: definitely better.  Song: similar.  Dance: better.  This is like a better version of the last track.  Also a serious, high tempo, pop song.  The only problem is that all the pearls are too much on some of the girls, plus they are falling apart.  I don't even like Team K doing too many serious, dance tracks in one stage.  They do a good job at letting all the other talent shine.  I think this may be the strongest team.  I don't see any weak links.
Akogare No Popstar-
I adore Acchan solo lines, she has such a pretty voice.  Yeah! something fun and upbeat.  I don't mind the predictable idol songs as long as they are done well.  It feels refreshing after the other songs.  I vote they cut out, or maybe just move, the second number.  I'm amazed at this group.  AKB48 has so many great members, which is why I feel bad putting some girls low in rankings.  I wish some of the girls would have a little more fun with the song, they still have their serious faces on.  Notice how Mariko never smiles in any of the songs.
Ude Wo Kunde (Maeda Atuko, Nakaya Sayaka, Kuramochi Asuka)-
I feel bad for Nakaya Sayaka.  She is overshadowed by the other two.  I think idols playing the keyboard or piano only works with solos.  I don't understand why they put that sack on Acchan.  I want this to be a duet.  There is just so much I would change.  It is not the best unit in comparison with past ones like it.  I just want to change it.
Enjo Rosen (Sashihara Rino, Takajo Aki)-
Is this really the best they can give the girls?  I feel like they are wasting their talent.  Are they hiding another costume under that thing?  It is okay, but they've been so amazing in the past I am just (sigh).
Toshiki No Akuseru (Takahashi Minami)-
This is perfect, except for some typical Takamina overacting.  The overacting makes sense since she is on stage, just looks odd up close.  I wish the choreography was better.  This sounds like every anime opening from the 90s and early 2000s.  I absolutely love those songs, which includes this.  Why is it when I read other people's thoughts on stages, that I seem not to agree with most of them?
Hoshi No Mukougawa (Kojima Haruna, Nakata Chisato, Oota Aika, Iwasa Misaki)-
Is this suppose to be my loli number?  It is relaxing but on the dull side of things.  Meh.  This song should have been the duet.  They could do a fun unit for some of the younger girls.  Where is my happy, cute idol unit?  I would forgive them if it wasn't a loli number.  It is just too similar to the first unit.
Saboten To Gold Rush (Shinoda Mariko, Katayama Haruka, Matsubara Natsumi, Nakagawa Haruka, Ooya Shizuka, Maeda Ami)-
Why don't they just do another unit.  I mean seriously, these are the leftovers!  Mariko's costume needs to be in red, white, and blue like the others.  This song feels like a leftover song.  The only reason why I like this unit is because it is finally a somewhat fun stage unit.  I wouldn't vote for any of these units for the Top 100.  Such a waste.
Utsukushiki Mono-
And we are right back where we left off.  It sounds like a whole bunch of versions of the same song.  A serious, dance pop song.  I HATE the talking.  I'm still not happy after cooling off.  I feel like if I accept this I'll be settling.  The dance segments aren't anything spectacular either.
Ai Wo Kure-
Was A5 packed with this many similar group songs?  So another song that reminds me of the one before, plus I don't really care for it.  If I actually enjoyed the songs I wouldn't mind that there isn't much variety.
Matenrou No Kyori-
This is much better.  If you haven't watched this stage yet, it isn't something I would call spectacular.  I do like it.  It isn't really anything the girls can do about it.  Maybe working on the dancing a little more, but that wouldn't make a big difference.  The girls sound great!
Inochi No Imi-
I want to see Mariko smile!  It reminds me of Mokugekisha and isn't the usual sweet ballad that they do at the end of most stages.  The only problem with ballads is that if there is a guitar section the girls are left with some pathetic choreography.  They are just walking around.  The song is pretty good.
I'm Crying-
I got a Backstreet Boys/ N'Sync scare for a second there.  Akimoto is going through a little Halloween phase right now.  Here is one of the better serious, dance pop songs.  There is a lot of them.  I'm disappointed.  Team K was the only team to wear their team costumes from AKBingo!, concerts, and other promotional events.  I thought the ones for Team A were really cute.
Zutto Zutto-
What would happen if people didn't chant for an encore?  It would be sad if the encore wasn't any good, but what about it being better than the stage.  Here is a fun, upbeat, playful song that I would of liked to see a little more of.  Is having some variety really so bad?
Why is Team K the only team that does their team song during the first group set?  Doesn't it make more sense to place that song towards the beginning?  How is the song?  Really good, what do you expect?  The team songs are always good.

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