Thursday, July 15, 2010

Aitakatta - How I First Learned of AKB48

If you recall I told you the first time I came across AKB48 was through Japanorama, a British mini-series about Japanese culture.  My response to that episode was how dare he say that about Utada . . . (sometime later) how dare he say that about Morning Musume and Ayaya!  Even after watching the segment about AKB48, and trying to learn more about the group, I never connected the dots.  They were too far apart, plus I took the Wikipedia entry a little too literally.  (If you didn't get that.  I watched the segment about AKB48 on Japanorama, which was the first time ever hearing of the group.  Later on I came across a YouTube video of Namida Surprise! PV that sparked my curiosity.  I didn't remember the Japanorama segment, which is important for what I'm going to say next.)  Well, what do I do if I want to learn a lot about something quickly (due to curiosity or interest) I read at least the summary of the Wikipedia entry.  What does it say in the summary about AKB48?

"AKB48 is an all-female Japanese theater/idol group produced by Yasushi Akimoto. Unlike other idol groups in Japan, AKB48 is theater-based and have their own theater in Akihabara (a district in Tokyo) where they perform once every weekday, and more than once on both Saturday and Sunday."

I thought 'theatre-based' meant they acted.  I didn't see their stages till later so I only saw one or two of their PVs.  It started with Namida Surprise! but I'm not sure if it was around the same time it was released.  Now what could of confirmed this misinterpretation?  (I didn't know what an idol group was then.)  I saw some clips of AKBingo!.  You know those reaction challenges mostly, where they all pretended that something was in the box or that their was wasabi in their sushi.  I thought 'Oh what a funny way to show off their acting skills.'  Are you laughing yet?  I of course haven't admitted this to anyone.  I just figured out I was wrong.  I can't recall exactly how, when, or how I felt about it.

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