Thursday, July 29, 2010

Random Image of the Day

Notice someone in the background?  AKBingo! and AKB 600 are two shows that I'm absolutely addicted to.  Now that I'm heading off to college I'm worried about using a torrents and trackers, and without that it'll be hard to watch these darlings (direct downloads can be at times unreliable with consistent updates).  Anyway, even though I have some harsh criticism for the upcoming single and their promotional videos, I truly do love them.  I can't wait for it to come out!  I am just hard to please because I want it to be the very best and when there is over 48 girls (depending on if you include trainees and other groups) face time is a significant issue.  Thanks for reading and maybe some of the other bloggers might bring in a new perspective.  (If you do want to guest write/ blog . . . let me know.  It would be helpful {just for theme sake} if you are somewhat new {not an expert}.)

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