Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Erepyon Graduation: Members' Comments

Maeda Atsuko:

Erena ❤
Congratulation for graduating… ❤

We only have a little time left together…

Let’s enjoy this time together with AKB until the end ^_^☆ ☆

Manami Oku:

Erepyon’s graduation announcement…

we were always together since the auditions☆

like, during the lessons,
when mum was late to pick us up
and Ere-mama would come and we’d go home together
I’ll miss those times☆

we had a lot of fights,
and made-up with texts and letters☆
we were children….☆

eventhough we fought we were close

we were that close

after changing teams
we spent less time together but we had a little time to talk yesterday…
Erepyon way of thinking live life to the fullest
eventhough she felt anxious
I think its good that she made a decision even at such a young age☆

we’re close in age
so I think
she’s the member that understands me the most☆


the member I’ve been with the longest.

we were together for 4.5 years
to think that she won’t be here anymore is, as I thouhgt, depressing

but we’ll be able to meet again when we grow up

I love you ♥
congratualtions on your graduation☆

so from now on
as always
take care ☆

Sae Miyazawa:
Erepyon, grdaution

I can’t believe it.

I’ve been with Erena since she entered so I didn’t think she would feel like graduating.

I was really moved since Erepyon is such a crybaby but she still managed to say the announcement in front of so many people while holding back her tears

she’s grown strong…

Erena, Takamina also said this, wasn’t able to express her feeling properly so there was some awkward moments

but, I think she’s a smart child.

So, i wonder after she returns form studying aboard if her english will be fluent ♫

since the 16 year old Erepyon decided on this path herself, I think I’ll send her off with a smile.

I’ll treasure the little time I have left with Erena. Today I will try my best at the long awaited team K show!!

Everyone, I’m counting on you to supprt Erena to the very end!!!!m(_)m

Ayaka Umeda:
and Erepyon’s graduation announcement.

I didn’t think Erepyon would say that in the evening concert!

looks like a triangle~

I said,
(Erena) with a smiling face said,

ehh! really???

with a surprised look.

Her smile was very impressive (´・∨・`)

we tried our best together as friends and comrades.

I might not be able to lend her my back!

Sayaka Akimoto:
Erena’s graduation announcement

I was surprised but…

I felt the determination inside myself strengthen since the crybaby Erena was able to express her feelings that smoothly.

It seemd like I won’t be able to give her a stong back to lean on.

I might not have enough supportive backs in stock eventhough its my specialty


even if i’m like this…

I can just be by her side.

Am I unreliable?

she was a hard working child…

and on top of that there’s also a cute child.

Yuka Masuda:

and the Erena that I love is going to graduate.

The concert title this time “No Surprises”

how is there “No”! (laughs)

the surprises are snowballing (´△`;)

I cried after Erena’s graduation announcement

Yuka, really truly thinks Erena is cute and I really like her (´;ω;`)
That small Erena looked really mature
and looked forward with a handsome silloute.

I have high expectations since she will be studying abroad ★

Rino Sashihara:

Erepyon’s graduation is really sad and makes me lonely, but I hope she could do her best.
We still have some time, and now Erepyon is still with us!
We’ll always be comrades!

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