Wednesday, July 28, 2010

AKB48 17th Single PV!!!!! (+Review)

Heavy Rotation (ヘビーローテーション)

Uploaded by j2381196. - Basketball, baseball, pro wrestling and more sports videos.

Namida no Seesaw Game (涙のシーソーゲーム)

Lucky Seven (ラッキーセブン)

Most people like this shot for Yuko's tush, which is cute.  However, I prefer looking at Sae grabbing Mayu's booty.
Well, what did I say!  The only thing that was going to sell that song like crack to an addict was the PV.  I also said how the whole thing was complete fan service.  Holy crap that is the most fan service I've seen in a single EVER!  This is going to sell like mad, too bad it isn't near Valentines day.  I'm now kind of addicted.  However, apparently, you can't have too much of a good thing.  We sold our soul.  Did you notice how everyone got a good amount of screen time, even Aki-chan.  Oh wait a second. . . where is my oshimen.  No not Sae, my new one.  Mii-chan?  Sayaka (because you guys spazzed out when she was boderline for senbatsu)?  Harugon?  Sasshi!  WTF. . . MOTHER OF JESUS!  Aki-chan didn't make media line. . . WHAT THE HELL!  Minami Minegishi, Erena Ono (who is graduating), Rie Kitahara, Sayaka Akimoto, Amina Sato, Rino Sashihara, Haruka Nakagawa, and Miho Miyazaki were all pushed to the back and only visible during the dance shots.  I literally didn't see them at all.  I was so in love with what was happening until I thought where is Mii-chan? Plus, where is the skit?  What no storyline except Yuko stripping?  This is almost as fucked up as SKE's senbatsu, but at least everyone got featured.  EVERYONE!  The UNDERGIRLS GOT MORE FACE TIME THAN HALF OF SENBATSU!  This can't be seriously the whole video.  Aki got to be in the front for a good portion of time. . .  (Its ruined now . . . shit!)

I'm glad I purchased type A because the pirates pv seemed kind of low budget.  I mean is it Halloween already?  Sexy Costumes, Cats, Vegetables, Retro, and Pirates . . . OH MY.  The Undergirls' PV, even with the nod to Soul Train, just doesn't do anything for me (kind of like the song).  I don't hate it or anything, just don't love it either.
UPDATE: I LOVE this single; I was just showing my initial reaction for entertainment purposes.  I'm a girl and if I think something is pushing it I'll let you know.  I can understand why some are yelling slut but you can wear clothes and still act like a slut.  It is playful sexy!  People are such pervs making this dirtier than it is.  It is just FANSERVICE for gosh sakes.  It looks like a ton of fun.  I personally would not mind doing this PV with my friends, just need to do a trip to Victoria Secret.  (Does anyone else see Marie Antoinette?)

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