Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ayumi Hamasaki: Angel's Song

Today I'm going to share one of my favorite Ayumi Hamasaki music videos, Angel's Song.

The video itself I found really amusing and creative, unlike a lot of other music videos even ones by Ayumi. It takes place in a small town bank in what looks like the late 1930's or maybe even the early 40's. As Ayumi sits there the bank is burst into by a bunch of criminals! Ayumi doesn't fret even as a gun is thrust into her face. In fact she seems entirely unphased by the situation instead staring at the clock. Suddenly the clock flashes as a moon and Ayumi begins to change into a werewolf and proceeds to fight off the attackers.

In the background plays Ayumi's song with her occasionally singing along to the camera. The song is one of my favorites even though it is a bit older. It has an upbeat pop feel with not as much of a techno back-beat as some of her newer songs. Her vocals come through strong and the music compliments her perfectly in my opinion.

Here's the video and feel free to leave comments on what you think of it!

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