Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My New Top Ten

Notice the drastic changes to my ranking?  First off, I excluded Erena Ono (who is usually in my Top Ten) because she is graduating.  I just always thought my ranking was off.  During rankings I try to consider everything, so I'll show you my basic good(+)/bad(-)/nonexistent(~) rating for each one.  The ratings are not all equal, and it all varies.
Do I like her voice/ does she sing well?
Does she dance/ perform well?
Do I enjoy seeing her on TV programs, films, or musicals/ does she stand out?
Do I like her in magazines or photobooks?
Did I enjoy her most recent stage unit?
Do I like her personality/ has she done something charming?
Last but not least... Fan service?

10 - Mayumi Uchida
She has always caught my eye.  I thought it was wrong that the girls that I wasn't too familiar with, that I've been attracted to (not in the sexual way), never ranked that high.  It is not completely their fault that they don't get much push by the producers.
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: ~
Photos: ~
Most Recent Stage Unit: + (Can't say no to a loli number)
Charm: + (Crying)
Moe: ~

9 - Amina Sato
Her ranking decreased a while ago and it is hard because she doesn't get that much of a push.  However she is still as delectably cute as ever.  I always get a little worried if girls go through a dramatic change in weight (both ways).  I assume it is their natural body change from childhood to adulthood.  Just seeing her in the Yukirin episode of AKB 600 sparked my interest again.
Vocals: +
Performance: -
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: +
Charm: +
Moe: + (Pudding)

8 - Tomomi Itano
I worry that I don't give enough credit to the girls in the back, so I also I worry about letting the girls who are pushed work their magic.  (Does that make sense?)  My love for Tomochin has been a little up and down.  AKB 600 did affect her recently ascent into my Top Ten.
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: +
Charm: + (Style and Falling Asleep)

7 - Yuki Kashiwagi
She has been in this general area forever, not much new to say. . .
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: - (a little on the dull side)
Charm: + (Palm Reading?)
6 - Miho Miyazaki
Her recent performance during B5 was amazing.  It truly did pump her up.  Plus, I always have a thing for the under dog.
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: +
Charm: + (Myao!)
Moe: + (Have you seen her DVD?)
5 - Rino Sashihara
This was a case where I considered everything and I had no clue why she wasn't in my Top Ten.  When other people pay a lot of attention to someone I notice, and pay more attention.  Therefore when Harugon and Sasshi made Senbatsu I started to think more about them.
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: ~ (It is almost time!)
Charm: ~ (I don't know her that well)
Moe: +
4 - Atsuko Maeda
All I can say is duh!
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: ~
Charm: +
Moe: +

3 - Aika Ota
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: ~
Charm: +
Moe: +

2 - Sae Miyazawa
I feel really horrible kicking her out of the number one spot.  It is extremely hard if you are not sure who your oshimen is.  I thought Sae is someone that is great but she is okay in things like photos.  Then Aika is not as amazing in the personality department (she is young and I'm comparing to Sae).  It just didn't feel right.  Aika is pretty good overall.  Sae is really strong in a couple of categories, but is not as strong in others.
Vocals: +
Performance: -/+ (It varies which isn't good, she can be too boyish)
Appearances: +
Photos: -/+ (She isn't as good as some of the other girls)
Most Recent Stage Unit: -
Charm: +
Moe: +

1 - Minami Minegishi
It feels somewhat right considering she was my first favorite.  She is like a combo of Aika and Sae.  She is extremely entertaining, plus she is always cute and consistently amazing in performances.  She had my favorite episode of AKB 600, so far.  She is also the only member that made me consider buying her limited edition version of every no3b single to support her.
Vocals: +
Performance: +
Appearances: +
Photos: +
Most Recent Stage Unit: +
Charm: +
Moe: +

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