Friday, July 30, 2010

Upcoming Post

Yes this is a screenshot from the new Team A stage.  What do you think?
Let me say that I was looking forward to watching the new Team A stage, because of how much I love the new team.  I have a rule for reviewing: enjoy the first time then review the second.  Whenever I review something the first time, the review's tone can get more excited or angry than if I let myself cool down, but it breaks up the whole stage and I overall tend to enjoy it less.  Last night I watched the stage and I have to say I don't want to have to watch it again, but I have to review it.  (Feels like homework, frustrating homework.)  Let me just say, if you want to start off with a showstopper make sure to keep things rolling or else you'll lose it. (On a lighter note:)

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