Sunday, July 11, 2010


I didn't ever get to see her LIVE!!!  So if you are planning on going to Japan anytime soon, she will be leaving at the end of the summer.  I am not honestly surprised.  In fact she is one of the few members that I thought would graduate soon.  Her ranking has gone down and she has been doing some big acting jobs.  She says she will be going overseas to study acting.  I don't want her to change too much, which might happen if she goes overseas.  My best guess is America considering we have Hollywood and Broadway, and if you can make it here. . .  I'm happy for her and if she does become active in the States then I could stand a chance getting even closer to meeting her.  (I am thinking of all Kago Ai's appearances here since she graduated.)  Here are some photos that illustrate what I'm going through at the moment:

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