Monday, July 12, 2010

Janken Madness - My Dream Outcome!

Since the girls randomly selected their spot, and that rock, paper, scissors can also be quite random we will see the most unusual senbatsu, undergirls, and theater girls EVER!  Here is the bracket ->

Janken does not give me enough input to guess the whole ranking, correctly.  My input will seem odd at first.  I will explain my reasoning so don't jump to conclusions!

Theatre Girls:
Nakamura (Trainee)
Chikano (B)
Minegishi (K)
Akimoto (K)
Nonaka (K)
Nakamata (Trainee)
Ishida (B)
Tanabe (K)
Sato Nat (B)
Nagao (Trainee)
Miyazaki (B)
Iwasa (A)
Ooya (A)
Masuda (B)
Yonezawa (K)
Oshima (K)
Takahashi (A)
Fujie (K)
Matsui S (K)

I hope seeing some of my favorites in the Theatre Girls group calmed you down.  I want to see the girls less likely to get any focus, who I want to get more focus, higher up.  What other way can they get more coverage?  Then I had a brilliant idea.  Notice how I have some of the biggest comedians in this group?  We have members from senbatsu who are in the middle or towards the back, which will get the very front and center.  The Theatre Girls can do something fun.  I know if this happens Oshima and Takahashi will be sharing center, but Minegishi, Miyazaki, and Akimoto will get more air time this way.  Plus, I put some girls forward so they can be in the back for the Undergirls.  I automatically put the trainees here because they shouldn't be any higher than this.  

Shinoda (A)
Hirajima (B)
Kuramochi (A)
Kojima (A)
Nakata (A)
Katayama (A)
Umeda (K)
Kikuchi (K)
Kobayashi M (Trainee)
Uchida (K)
Maeda Ami (A)
Maeda Atsu (A)
Kitahara (B)
Sashihara (A)
Takajou (A)
Matsubara (A)

This is where it started to get painful.  Favorites that needed more spotlight clashed in this round with each other and my top favorites.  I again started to develop the concept of the song as I went.  I also thought about who would be in the front and who would end up as support.  I thought this should be something sexy.  Again, vocally this turned out well.  It is mostly Team A, for some reason.  This track should be really spicy!

16. Oku (B)
15. Satou Su (B)
14. Kobayashi Ka (B)
13. Suzuki (B)
12. Satou A (B)
11. Komori (B)
10. Nakaya (A)
9. Kasai (B)
8. Nakatsuka (K)
7. Nakagawa (A)
6. Nitou (K)
5. Oota (A)
4. Miyazawa (K)
3. Watanabe (B)
2. Itano (K)
1. Kashiwagi (B)

This was also a hard one.  Originally as I started thinking that the Undergirls should get the sexy track, I thought the Senbatsu was going loli!  It was heading in that direction at first, but then some curve balls hit it (Miyazawa and Itano).  Therefore I am thinking something related to teenagers.  Romance, yanki, friends, school?  Maybe even a university!  Are there any festivals when this is coming out... wait December.  Okay, how bout something romantic.  There are some strong singers in here and I made sure to put the front girls in the front.  I think Kashiwagi has a better voice, and it can be a little FU to Tsunku for passing her up. (Oh look Satou {Su} is also there.)  Watanabe is third because I think that is high enough considering she leads her own sub unit, she is also a Team B front girl, and her voice is high pitched.  Hey, we have to have some of the favorites selling this single.  They've been around the block so they know how to handle it.  This is definitely nothing like we've seen before.  I think it is healthy to have the younger girls building up a fan base and rising because they are our (AKB's technically) future.  I still think it is a crime against nature that neither Maeda Atsu nor Takahashi is in Senbatsu, or holding the number one spot.  I don't think Kashiwagi is right for the top spot (personality/ looks-wise), but I don't want Watanabe to have it either.  If a trainee gets the number one spot I will fly to Japan and kidnap her until they release the single without her!  (It is one thing for them to figure the groups this way, but to do the full ranking is too risky.)

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