Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dance de Bakoon! PV and Review (C-ute)

Good News: Tsunku divided up the solo lines this time, at least more so than Shock.  When I saw the outfits and covers for this single I was pretty excited.  I loved Airi's single, Shock, and I thought their last one was okay.  The outfits, combined with the song title, gave me an impression that it would have some Latin undertones.  Then I saw the promotional video.  Hmmm.  I don't care for the song and I think the PV makes it worse.  It is so clear, that I have no idea why they didn't change it, that there is too much editing and special effects.  The dresses for the cover don't match the background or the song.  I also don't like the costumes for the dance shot.  Why would you put this heavy, baggy top on girls that have nothing hide.  The whole group got pregnant?  I would be okay if one had it, but them all wearing it and doing the runway walk; I just don't get it.  Dance shot and PV backgrounds tend to be very simple anyway.  All the computer generated background in no way helps this PV.  The sound of the song for the parts I like sounds typical, but good.  However, the whiny/ sassy, rock and roll, thing does not work.  I've enjoyed it before.  It does not work in this instance.  Now I also do not like the girls sharing the mic for the close up.  I think it looks bad.  Tsunku has disappointed me again, because the girls' voices sound great. 

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