Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nattou Angels Z: Better, Equal, or Lame?

When I heard that they had changed the line up of Nattou Angels I was hesitant.  All three members are either in or near my senbatsu/ Top 10.  The group also went from a trio to four members, and bigger is not always better.  I didn't really get an impression of the group because the PR I saw didn't have the full performance.  The costumes didn't help to my interest, so I summed them up as not worth my attention.  However, after watching them perform in just T-shirts and jean shorts at the HoriPro 50th Anniversary event.  (You know you have a strong group if they can be entertaining in plain clothes on a basic stage.)  I don't know why I generally don't care or like a new idol group when I first see them.  But just like YuiKaori and Momoiro Clover, I just can't stop watching.

With such a strong group before, I did not understand why they changed it.  Will this happen every year?  After listening to the full song I don't think the original line up could of pulled it off as well.  (Besides it might be fun if they change it up every year.)  Both Tomos and Myao are overall too high pitched for this song.  It also works out well to promote the younger girls.  Myao and Moeno are already established as general favorites, but could still use a boost.  Then we have the new members, which stand a good chance of being favorites.  Haruka looks like a young Erepyon, and Sumire is also a good candidate.  I think I might vote for them for the Top 100, which will come in the next single.  I might not if we only get one vote.  How many songs can we vote for?  I need to read up on this!  Sorry for the tangent.  Nattou Angels made it to AX2010, will both versions make it in 2011?  Who will rank higher?

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