Saturday, August 21, 2010

AKB48's YYG Concert Broadcast Review and Summary

I was thrilled when I saw this on the H!O Tracker.  I had heard it would be broadcasted on TV.  I should of known that it would be edited down.  Therefore it is mostly the highlights from each set.  I hope that they'll release a full concert so I can see it.  What is nice about the broadcast is that it informs casual fans about the group and the basic inner-workings.  The backstage stuff is pretty good, but I bet they cut the really good stuff, then again I bet the girls were too busy or stressed to goof around too much.  It is pretty short.
Ponytail No Shu Shu - Ponytail Senbatsu feat. intro by Matsui (Team K)
When I heard Matsui was opening while playing the piano I didn't know what she was going to perform.  I thought, wow that is interesting, and unexpected.  It didn't take me long to recognize the song.  The stage is really beautiful and one of the best set ups yet.  The water works well with the single.  I'm on the fence about opening with only the senbatsu members.  Part of me thinks that a concert should always open with a huge group number.  On the other hand this is a great opening for new fans.  It is their latest single.  It is familiar, and I personally believe is a great track.
Next up is a short background video featuring their singles, concerts, stages, and major TV performances.  It goes from the very beginning to Team A's recent stage.  It is short and lacking detail but I believe it is a great introduction for the group.
Aitakatta - SKE48 (Team S?) and AKB48 Under and Theater girls
A classic.  The one thing I don't care for is we have yet to see all the girls in a big production number.  Once the girls come together it is kind of chaotic.  I've seen more interesting performances of this song, but I prefer to see singles performed by not just senbatsu (shuffle please).
Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara - River Undergirls
I will always love this song and performance.  One comment I have is that I feel like I'm watching the concert, but not the performance itself.  Like the cameras and shots don't bring you in like you are there.  I don't know about showing the background chaos during the songs.  It takes you out.
Oogoe Diamond - Members of AKB48 (not all)
What is this madness!  The performance and everything is great, but those costumes!  Those are just plain bad.  I've seen similar pieces in Hello Project concerts, which tend to be hit or miss, and the more boa the more miss.  Some of them are okay, but what are you doing to their figure.  I mean what is Acchan, a poodle swan or does she just have saggy boobs?  Trying to design so many costumes with boa is just asking for it.  Tomochin is a sassy grrl!  Myao is doing really well in Matsui Jurina's spot.  This is a song that should be performed by all the members from at least AKB48, if not from AKB, SKE, and SDN.
Iiwake Maybe - Closer to 13th Senbatsu Members (w/ some adjustments)
Did I mention how beautiful the stage is?  I can't stage those costumes.  I want to see them use the stage more, there is so much room to spread out and run around.
10nen Sakura - AKB48 and some SKE
Good, perfect timing.  I still want them to explore more.  Hello Project has less people but they would use their stage a little more.  I mean there are so many different paths.  The audience is so far away.
River - Same
Another great track for a huge group production.  I have to give a shout out to the lighting and tech people they did a superb job, especially with this number.  This would be a text book perfect performance if only the costumes were better.
They then break down the teams of AKB48 and the senbatsu ranking.  Then they show a performance by each team.
Namida Surprise - Team A
The costumes are okay but not really suited for this song.  At least it is not Dear My Teacher.  I mean the variety of the Team A concert songs are depressing.  They are classic, but they aren't that amazing.  I thought it was odd how the senbatsu members they highlight aren't consistent with this election but they typical senbatsu members.
This is a great Team K song from K6.  I love the new Team K, but I still miss the old teams too.  Great Performance.  HOLY SHGFMGFK Sayaka!  What the heck was that.  I need a playback.  Oh did anyone else see Erepyon's hair flip or lack their of?  Gosh, God love ya!
Theater no Megami - Team B
Is this seriously the best team song they wanted to use?  I mean for one the costume issue is a little sensitive here.  On top of that they had so many better team songs.  (in my opinion)  I just noticed some girls have a skirt with a crotch stripe, nice.  Some of their faces in the close up are pretty hilarious.  I guess this is a good idol song, but for casual fans?
Yuuwaku no Garter - SDN48
All of sexy SDN48 doing it together!  LOVE IT!  Nachu is so cute, still idol voice.  Why did they cut it short?
Gomen ne Summer - SKE48 Senbatsu
This is my favorite single yet.  They always come out with a good single.  I think it is interesting how different all the groups turned out.  You wouldn't think they would sound or look so different.  
Then they show and interview the members behind the scenes and during rehearsals.  If you don't know what they are saying then this might not be very interesting.  (mostly talking)  You do get to see what you miss out of, like Oshima opening a concert and the veggies performance.  However, Sayaka fans get a very special treat.
End Roll -  Sayaka, Sae, Takamina, and Rie
You mostly get good dance shots except some close ups of mostly Sayaka.  Then there is some focus on Oshima Yuko watching them.  It is a shortened performance, but I don't think we missed anything spectacular. 

After we are done with Sayaka we move are attention to Matsui Rena.
Kareha no Station - Matsui Rena (SKE)
This is a beautiful performance.  The sad thing is that most of these performances are cut down.  This makes sense if they want to show a lot of variety, but you still miss a large portion of the concerts.
We then look at all the units including Team Dragon.
Kokoro no Hane - Team Dragon
It is nice to see this performed.  While I thought the PV was disappointing and the song nothing special, I do like the performance.  Leave it up to the girls to turn something around.
Now moving on to Majisuka Gakuen.  I mean two songs and a whole TV season, of course.  The girls are asked to show off their yankee faces.

Majisuka Rock 'n Roll - Senbatsu
If it is only senbatsu there isn't much to say.  I mean we've seen this song a ton of times.  It is basically just a different background.  I'm still annoyed that Jurina gets a major part in this song when she wasn't very present in the series.
 Majijo Teppen Blues - Senbatsu
And for this senbatsu... it is every major character.  I wish they had more song and less talking.  All the talking makes me think this should of been just a special bonus for the box set.
They do a good job on segways.
Yasai Sisters - Senbatsu
This is such a cute song.  And yeah we finally see them runaround, well skip.  A vegetable, three-tier cake! 
More background stuff then an MC.  It is not just any MC.  Here is the famous birthday cake.  And down it goes!  Good thing Tomochin and Acchan are such good friends.  We move onto this year's senbatsu election. 
Heavy Rotation - Senbatsu
Oshima Yuko is the madhatter!  I like the spazz jumps in the back.  I wonder what the audience's first reaction was from just seeing the performance?  It is a little party. 
Now for the 19th senbatsu election.  This also includes the extra special graduation announcement.  Then some more background stuff.  Ah Tomo~mi!  Who will she do the banana unit with?  You can tell we are getting to the end of the program. 
Hikoukigumo - ALL
This is the song to end any concert.  I don't really know a better song, maybe something for Akimoto to work on.  Very nice.

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