Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Poll!

It is a poll to see the most popular single.  This does not include B-sides or anything included on an album.  You can consider the PV (Promotional Video) to help you decide.

I am probably not going to blog as much because I moved into the dorms yesterday.  College starts on the 2nd so after that I'll be even more busy.  I'm going to post my dorm pics after the break, at least the ones to show my wota~ness.  I am still searching for an AKB~ally.  I'm taking Japanese so that might help me find one.

I didn't take a pic of my Watarirouka Hashiritai poster. I have some AKB CD photos and card covers poster around as well. Do you like how Acchan is in my closet? It is the dirtiest poster that I have. I think it is more filthy because it is hiding in the closet.

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