Thursday, August 5, 2010

Takamina - Takahashi Minami's First Solo PB!

Well, people are excited.  I surprised that she didn't get one when she was younger considering how popular she is.  It is 1200 yen, but preordering isn't available yet for CDJapan.  The release date is set for 9/22.  There are already a couple previews floating around.  If you are not familiar with Takamina and photoshoots then you might be disappointed.  It may be swimsuit-less.  She has appeared in some two pieces, but she often has the most covered.  Personally I believe that it is about time, but then again Sayaka hasn't released one either.  With all the bad talk about AKB48's taste/ reputation I think this will be evidence partly against that.

I can tell you right now that I will not purchase this photobook.  Mostly because I won't have any income during the school year so I need to save my cash for the CDs.  The other reason is because she just irks me.  I think she is funny, she can be adorable, she looks great in some pictures.  I just can't help it.  Something about her bugs me.  It is no where near the strong (I'm going to punch her) feelings that I have towards Jurina.  I've noticed when I watch old concerts or stages she does not bother me in the least bit.  I actually like her a ton more.  I don't know.  At first, maybe it's the hair.  Or it is possible that she does the deer in the headlights/ crazy eyes more often now.

Since she is Aki-P's favorite, she will probably get the okay not too be too dirty or to show too much skin.  So for now enjoy the only good picture we have of Takamina's tush (and the most skin we'll likely ever see):

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