Thursday, August 5, 2010

Watarirouka Hashiritai New PV (Gyu)

ギュッ PV

W.H. Single 6
Uploaded by j2381196
Well they are back to the old tune.  I thought Akkanbe was refreshing and fun.  It was only the last three singles that got me interested in the actual music.  (Wait a minute, Seishun Flag just came out not too long ago.)  Vocally their voices are so adorable I think my nose will bleed.  On top of all that, when you combine their high pitch and all those gyu I think my ears will bleed too.  (My blood will come out highlighter pink with glitter.)  It is cute, but I wouldn't particularly want to buy this single.  I think the PV is good, it doesn't really help sell the song for me.  It seems somewhat. . . I'm not sure about the figure.  I don't understand why they didn't just hire some cute boys.  They didn't really need to show their faces either.  I don't know.  It's fine.  Like most of their music, it becomes addicting.

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