Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Friend, Foe, Girlfriend (Wee...Round 2)

I can't wait a whole week.  I'm very impatient.  I know, bad.  Anyway here are are next subjects:
The graduating members of Morning Musume
Kamei Eri

The sexual harassment members of AKB48
Amina Sato
Rino Sashihara
Megumi Ohori or Yuko Oshima (because Ohori is now in SDN48)

Here is my example, enter your answers into the comment section:
Friend: JunJun (because we are both goofy)
Foe: LinLin (She is funny but my least favorite of the three)
Girlfriend: Eri (she is adorable and great girlfriend material)

Friend: Sashihara (she is an otaku/wota so we would get along great... I love maids!)
Foe: Ohori (She feels like a rival to me, always going after my favorite lolis!)
Girlfriend: Amina (She is so cute and I love cuddling)

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