Saturday, May 15, 2010

Complete Morning Musume Ranking

First off, this is based on them currently.  Now I'll try to give a basic explanation for this ranking.

#1: Tsuji
Her blog is great and she is very busy.  She has had the biggest comeback after her scandal.  I just adore her and love seeing her on TV.

#2: Sayu
She reminds me of Tsuji, both epically cute and bug TV personalities.  The reason why she ranked lower is because she sometimes does not give the best performance, basically Morning Musume is what holding her back.  She does get points for how great her blog and photobook is.

#3: Yaguchi
A major TV personality and her only solo-single is great.

#4: Mikitty
I love seeing her in the few clips I've found.  I hope she is doing well, and I want to see more of her.  It is great to know she is as pushy as ever.

#5: Kame
She is still adorable and her photobook is great.  She is being pushed to the front more and she is holding that position well.

#6: Rika
I love H&A and she is still sexy and charming.

#7: Nacchi
I miss her so much.  She is sweet during reunion specials, but besides that I have not heard much.  She still has a wonderful voice.

#8: Yossi
She is also great in H&A.  She can go either way in terms of TV.  She doesn't look great with the fohawk.

#11: Goto Maki
Although I don't care for her, she released some great singles and she looks great.

#12: Reina
She is a great performer, most of the time, and usually looks great.  She beat my other favs JunJun and Mittsi (opps I forgot LinLin's pic!) because they look horrible and they don't get any attention.

*****LinLin would be before Ogawa (I got the pic but forgot to add it!)

#15: KonKon
One of my all time favorites is so low because even though she is still active I have yet to hear or see anything from her.  The new Ongaku Gatas single is horrible.

The Rest:  Ai is this high because her photobook release looks good, and that is all.  Kusumi is ranked lower than the OG because she looks horrible and she bugs me (only outside of PV and LIVEs).  However, she does not bother me as much as Niigaki does.

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