Monday, May 24, 2010

K-pop Ranking (girls)

Just because I did a rant on how different K-pop and J-pop are does not mean I totally hate them.  My obsession can never be at the same level though (because I don't love the sound of spoken Korean, singing is fine).  The spoken makes it so I can only enjoy their music, no talking segments, dramas, &ct.  This is only girl groups, but I do need to give a shout out to BoA because she is the first Korean artist I liked.
#1- Brown Eyed Girls (BEG): I only have two of their singles on my iPod, less than SNSD, but I love their music the most.  Their performances are great and I love their music videos.
#2- SNSD: There are nine members, so I kind of see them as the Korean interpretation of Morning Musume.  It is only my gut reaction, they are not that similar.  They have the most singles that I like, but I don't know anyone's names.  Although, I already have picked out my favorites.
#3- Kara: The basis that I rank these are based on who released my favorite singles.  I only like their Mr. so far.  I am not very knowledgeable about this genre.
#4- Wonder Girls:  Here is the surprise.  I like their English version of Nobody over their original.  I have yet to hear a Korean song from them that I like.
#5- 4Minute:  I like one segment of one of their singles (Muzik).  It was worse in Japanese.  I told you I'm not that familiar.

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