Saturday, May 15, 2010

I Love Mano's New Single

I've always thought Mano Erina was basically what Hello Project was evolving into: cute with good talent but lacking magic. She was sweet and always performed well, but I didn't care about her. Oh she has a new single out, that's nice.  However, I can't stop listening to this song.  The PV is nice, but the candid moments seem out of place with the song.  It is her usual high-tempo, but sad track.  She is still the same girl as before.  It is the song that I love.  She always had the potential to charm me, but wasn't backed enough by Hello Project.  With Mano Erina and s/mileage being the future of Hello Project all I can say is this: they are moving away from the quirky idols that are so popular to professional sweeties.  I wonder if that will sell as well...

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