Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Team Shuffle Review

When I first heard about the shuffle I wasn't too familiar with AKB48, which provided me with no perspective.  After watching the latest stage from Team B I thought of why the shuffle was important.  Fans have the knee-jerk reaction to hate any change too dramatic, especially if it means graduations.

The teams were mostly formed by auditions, so each team (generally) had less and less experience, as well as front girls.

Based on the latest single...

Team A
# of front girls before the shuffle: 9
# after: 5

Team K
# before: 4
# after: 6

Team B
before: 2
after: 5

The management had a golden opportunity to finally form the teams however they liked.  One of the changes was rearranging the front, under, and theater girls.  The number of front girls is almost even!  I want to wait to see all the new stages before I share my final verdict, member wise.  I just thought it was an interesting thought.

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